Laurence Galoisy

Curriculum Vitae

Maître de Conférence Hors – Classe (Echelon Exceptionnel) en 35ème  section à Sorbonne Université, affectée à l'IMPMC

Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie (IMPMC) UMR CNRS 7590  UMR IRD 206  MNHN

 4, place Jussieu 75005 Paris

01 44 27 50 64


 Sorbonne Université


Titre UE





Volume HeqTD/an


Ressources minérales








Ressources énergétiques et

Minérales du sous-sol











Environnement et Patrimoine

(EnvPat) 1








Environnement et Patrimoine

 (EnvPat) 2




Stage 5 jours




Minéralogie (R)




Cours /TD




Mineure Environnement (R)








Aval du Cycle

M2 (R)






Stage Aval du cycle


M2 (R)




Stage 4 jours













Minéraux, Environnement








(Arrêt en 2017)







Matériaux Inorganiques


M2 Chimie






Autres établissements


Titre UE




Volume HeqTD/an



M2 1993-2001





Verres industriels

M2 2011-2012






L3 depuis 2009





Phénomènes à l’échelle atomique






Cristallochimie des éléments mineurs et en traces dans les matériaux hétérogènes et amorphes : Relations structure-propriétés et conditions de formation

Mots clés

              Propriétés structurales des verres et des minéraux ; processus de coloration dans les matériaux ; relation structure-propriétés dans les matériaux naturels et synthétiques ; structure et durabilité des verres nucléaires ; relation structure-propriétés dans les vitrocéramiques ; évolution de l'environnement des déchets des mines d'uranium ; matériaux du Patrimoine ; spectroscopies du Solide (Synchrotron, UV-visible-proche IR)

-Transition écologique/énergétique et développement durable : relations structure-propriétés dans les matériaux d'intérêt technologique (verres et vitro-céramiques), ciments « verts », et vieillissement et durabilité des verres nucléaires.

-Milieux naturels : Gisements de métaux critiques et ressources (matériaux minéraux), structure et conditions de formation des verres naturels.

-Minéraux et Matériaux du Patrimoine (vitraux) : Les éléments mineurs et en traces dans les minéraux et connaissance des technologies verrières du Moyen-Age à nos jours.

 Liste complete et classee des publications

H index = 30 (2021)

2354 citations


1) GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Spectroscopic evidence for five-coordinated Ni in CaNiSi206 glass. Am. Mineral. 76, 1777-1780.

2) GALOISY L., CALAS G. and Maquet M. Alumina fused cast refractory aging monitored by nickel crystal chemistry. J. Mater. Res. 6, 2434-2441.


3) Gaskell P.H., Zhao J., Calas G. and Galoisy L. The structure of mixed cation oxide glasses. In: L.D. Pye, W.C. Lacourse, H.V. Stevens, editors. Physics of NonCrystalline Solids VII, p. 538.

4) GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Network forming nickel in silicate glasses. Am. Mineral. 77, 677-680.


5) GALOISY L. and CALAS G. XANES and crystal field spectroscopy of five-coordinated Ni(II) in potassium nickel phosphate. Mater. Res. Bull. 28, 221-228.

6) GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Inhomogeneous distribution of Cr impurities in -Al2O3 during refractory aging. J. Mater. Res. 8, 1153-1157.

7) GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Structural environment of nickel in silicate glass/melt systems. I. Spectroscopic determination of coordination states. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 57, 3613-3626.

8) GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Structural environment of nickel in silicate glass/melt systems. II. Geochemical implications. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 57, 3627-3633.

9) Kusaba K., Galoisy L., Wang Y., Vaughan M.T. and Weidner D.J. Determination of phase transition pressures of ZnTe under quasi-hydrostatic conditions. Pageoph. 141,643–653.


10) FARGES F., BROWN G.E., Jr., CALAS G., GALOISY L. and WAYCHUNAS G.A. Structural transformation in Ni-bearing Na2Si2O5 glass and melt. Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1931-1934.




11) CALAS G., BROWN G.E., Jr., FARGES F., GALOISY L., ITIE J.P. and POLIAN A. Cations in glasses under ambient and non-ambient conditions. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 97, 155-161.

12) FARGES F., BROWN G.E., Jr., CALAS G., GALOISY L. and WAYCHUNAS G.A. Coordination change around 2wt.% Ni in Na2Si2O5glass melt systems. Physica B 209, 381-382.

13) Galoisy L. Local versus average structure around cations in minerals from spectroscopic and diffraction measurements. Phys. Chem. Minerals 23, 217-225.

14) GALOISY L., CALAS G. and BROWN G.E., Jr. Intracrystalline distribution of Ni in San Carlos olivine: an EXAFS study. Am. Mineral. 80, 1089-1092.


15) Rossano S., Galoisy L. and Gwamnesia G. Crystal-field spectrum of gamma-Ni2SiO4. Eur. J. Mineral. 8, 471-475.

16) CORMIER L., CREUX S., GALOISY L., CALAS G. and Gaskell P.H. Medium range order around cations in silicate glasses. Chem. Geol. 128, 77-91.


17) GALOISY L., DELAYE J.M., GHALEB D., CALAS G., Le Grand M., MORIN G., Ramos A. and Pacaud F. Local structure of simplified waste glass: complementarity of XAS and MD calculations. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXI (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 506) 133-140.

18) GALOISY L., CALAS G., MORIN G., Pugnet S. and Fillet C. Structure of Pd-Te precipitates in a simulated high-level nuclear waste glass. J. Mater. Res. 13, 1124-1127.


19) CORMIER L., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Evidence of Ni-containing ordered domains in low-alkali borate glasses. Europhys. Lett. 45, 572-578.

20) GALOISY L., Pélegrin E., ARRIO M.A., ILDEFONSE P., CALAS G., GHALEB D., Fillet C. and Pacaud F. Evidence for 6-coordinated Zr in inactive nuclear waste glasses. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 82, 2219-2224.


21) ARRIO M.A., ROSSANO S., BROUDER C., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Calculation of multipole transitions at the Fe K pre-edge through p-d hybridization in the ligand field multiplet model. Europhys. Lett. 51, 454-460.

22) GALOISY L., CORMIER L., ROSSANO S., CALAS G., Gaskell P.H. and Le Grand M. Cationic ordering in oxide glasses: the example of transition elements. Mineral. Mag., 64, 409-424.

23) LE GRAND M., RAMOS A., CALAS G., GALOISY L., GHALEB D. and Pacaud F. Zinc environment in aluminoborosilicate glasses by Zn K-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. J. Mater. Res. 15, 2015-2019.


24) CABARET D., LE GRAND M., RAMOS A., Flank A.M., ROSSANO S., GALOISY L., CALAS G. and GHALEB D. Medium range structure of borosilicate glasses from Si K-edge XANES: a combined approach bases on multiple scattering and molecular dynamics calculations. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 289, 1-8.

25) CORMIER L., GALOISY L., DELAYE J.M., GHALEB D. and CALAS G. Short- and medium-range structural order around cations in glasses: a multidisciplinary approach. C.R. Acad. Sci. 2-IV, 249-262.

 26) Fialin M., Wagner C., Metrich N., Humler E., Galoisy L. and Bezos A. Fe3+/Sigma Fe vs. FeL alpha peak energy for minerals and glasses: Recent advances with the electron microprobe. Am. Mineral. 86, 456-465.

27) GALOISY L., CALAS G. and ARRIO M.A. High-resolution XANES spectra of iron in minerals and glasses: structural information from the pre-edge region. Chem. Geol. 174, 307-319.

28) GALOISY L., CORMIER L., CALAS G. and Briois V. Environment of Ni, Co and Zn in low alkali borate glasses: information from EXAFS and XANES spectra. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 293-295, 105-111.


29) CALAS G., CORMIER L., GALOISY L. and JOLLIVET P. Structure-property relationships in multicomponent oxide glasses. C.R. Chimie 5, 831-843.

30) METRICH N., BONNIN-MOSBAH M., SUSINI J., MENEZ B. and GALOISY L. Presence of sulfite (S-IV) in arc magmas: Implications for volcanic sulfur emissions. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 1538.


31) CORMIER L., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Organization around cations in oxide glasses using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. AIP Conf. Proc. 652, 378-387.

32) JUILLOT F., MORIN G., ILDEFONSE P., TRAINOR T.P., BENEDETTI M., GALOISY L., CALAS G. and BROWN G.E., Jr. Occurrence of Zn/Al hydrotalcite in smelter-impacted soils from northern France: Evidence from EXAFS spectroscopy and chemical extractions. Am. Mineral. 88, 509-526.

33) CALAS G., LE GRAND M., GALOISY L. and GHALEB D. Structural role of molybdenum in nuclear glasses: an EXAFS study. J. Nucl. Mater. 322, 15-20.

34) GALOISY L., CALAS G. and CORMIER L. Chemical stability of Ni-enriched nanodomains in alkali borate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 321, 197–203.

35) METRICH N., SUSINI J., GALOISY L., CALAS G., BONNIN-MOSBAH M. and MENEZ B. X-ray microspectroscopy of sulphur in basaltic glass inclusions. Inference on the volcanic sulphur emissions. J. Phys. IV France 104, 393-398.


36) MAJéRUS O., CORMIER L., Itié J.P., GALOISY L., Neuville D.R. and CALAS G. Pressure-induced Ge coordination change and polyamorphism in SiO2-GeO2glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 345-346, 34-38.


37) CALAS G., GALOISY L. and Kiratisin A. The origin of the green color of variscite. Am. Mineral. 90, 984-990.

38) Galoisy L., Calas G., Cormier L., Marcq B. and Thibault M.H. Overview of the environment of Ni in oxide glasses and relation with the glass coloration. Phys. Chem. Glasses 46, 394-399.


39) Balan E., De Villiers J.P.R., Eeckhout S.G., Glatzel, P., Toplis M.J., Fritsch E., Allard T., Galoisy L. and Calas G. The oxidation state of vanadium in titanomagnetite from layered basic intrusions

40) CALAS G., MAJÉRUS O., GALOISY L. and CORMIER L. Determination of the thermal expansion of Cr3+ sites in glasses. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 121918.

41) CALAS G., MAJÉRUS O., GALOISY L. and CORMIER L. Crystal field spectroscopy of Cr3+ in glasses. Chem. Geol. 229, 218-226.

42) FERLAT G., CORMIER L., Thibault M. H., GALOISY L., CALAS G., Delaye J.M. and GHALEB D. Evidence for symmetric cationic sites in zirconium-bearing oxide glasses. Phys. Rev. B 73, 214207.

43) Galoisy L. Structure-property relationships in industrial and natural glasses. Elements 2, 293-297.

44) WEIGEL C., CORMIER L., GALOISY L., CALAS G., Bowron D. and Beuneu B. Determination of Fe3+ sites in a NaFeSi2O6 glass by neutron diffraction with isotopic substitution coupled with numerical simulation. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 141911.


45) CORMIER L., FERLAT G., Itié J.P., GALOISY L., CALAS G. and Aquilanti G. Amorphous-amorphous transformation at high pressure in gallo-germanosilicate tetrahedral network glasses. Phys. Rev. B 76, 134204.

46) JUHIN A., CALAS G., CABARET D., GALOISY L. and Hazemann J.L. Structural relaxation around substitutional Cr3+ in MgAl2O4. Phys. Rev. B 76, 054105.

47) VILLAIN O., CALAS G., GALOISY L., CORMIER L. and Hazemann J.L. XANES determination of chromium oxidation states in glasses: comparison with optical absorption spectroscopy. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90, 3578–3581.


48) JUHIN A., CALAS G., CABARET D., GALOISY L. and Hazemann J.L. Structural relaxation around substitutional Cr3+ in pyrope garnet. Am. Mineral. 93, 800-805.

49) Lahlil S., Biron I., Galoisy L. and Morin G. Rediscovering ancient glass technologies through the examination of opacifier crystals.  Appl. Phys. A 92, 109-116.

50) MAJÉRUS O., CORMIER L., Neuville D.R., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. The structure of SiO2-GeO2 glasses: a spectroscopic study. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354, 2004-2009.

51) WEIGEL C., CALAS G., CORMIER L., GALOISY L. and Henderson G.H. High resolution Al L2,3edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure: determination of Al surrounding in minerals and glasses. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 135219.

52) WEIGEL C., CORMIER L., CALAS G., GALOISY L. and Bowron D.T. Intermediate range order in the silicate network glasses NaFexAl1-xSi2O6 (x=0,0.5,0.8,1) A neutron diffraction and empirical potential structure refinement modeling investigation. Phys. Rev. B 78, 064202.

53) WEIGEL C., CORMIER L., CALAS G., GALOISY L. and Bowron D.T. Nature and distribution of iron sites in a sodium silicate glass investigated by neutron diffraction and EPSR simulation. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354, 5378-5385.


54) Lahlil S., Bouquillon A., Morin G., Galoisy L. and Lorre C. Relationship between the coloration and the firing technology used to produce susa glazed cereamics of the end of the neolithic period. Archaeometry 51, 774-790


55) Bergeron B., GALOISY L., JOLLIVET P, Angeli F., Charpentier T., CALAS G. and GIN S. First investigations of the influence of IVB elements (Ti, Zr, and Hf) on the chemical durability of soda-lime borosilicate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 356, 2315-2322.

56) CALAS G., GALOISY L., CORMIER L., DELAYE J.M., JOLLIVET P and S. Peuget. Structural Evolution of Nuclear Glasses under Forcing Conditions (Irradiation, Alteration). Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXIV, eds. K.L. Smith, S. Kroeker, B. Uberuaga, K.R. Whittle (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1265), 77-88.

57) DARGAUD O., CALAS G., CORMIER L., GALOISY L., Jousseaume C., QuereL G. and Newville M. In situ study of nucleation of zirconia in an MgO-Al2O3-SiO2glass. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 93, 342-344.

58) DARGAUD O., CORMIER L., MENGUY N., GALOISY L., CALAS G., Papin S., Querel G. and Olivi L. Structural role of Zr4+ as a nucleating agent in a MgO-Al2O3-SiO2glass-ceramic: a combined XAS and HRTEM approach. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 356, 2928–2934.

59) Pèlegrin E., Calas G., Ildefonse P., Jollivet P and Galoisy L. Structural evolution of glass surface during alteration: application to nuclear waste glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 356, 2497-2508.

60) Villain O., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Spectroscopic and structural properties of Cr3+ in silicate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 356, 2228-2234.


61) Dugué A., CORMIER L., DARGAUD O., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Evolution of the Ni2+ Environment During the Formation of a MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 Glass-Ceramic: A combined XRD and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy approach. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 95, 3483–3489.


62) Galoisy L. Garnet: From Stone to Star. Elements 9, 453-456.

63) Jollivet P., Calas G., Galoisy L., Angeli F., Gin S., Ruffoni M.P. and Trcera N. An enhanced resolution of the structural environment of zirconium in borosilicate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 381, 40-47.

64) Michel F., Cormier L., Lombard P., Galoisy L., Beuneu B. and Calas G. Mechanisms of boron coordination change between borosilicate glasses and melts. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 379, 169–176.


65) Calas G., Galoisy L., Cormier L., Ferlat G. and Lelong G. The structural properties of cations in nuclear glasses. Procedia Mater. Sci. 7, 23-31.

66) Delaye J.-M., Peuget S., Calas G. and Galoisy L. Comparative effects of thermal quenching and ballistic collisions in SiO2-B2O3-Na2O glass. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 326, 256-259.

67) Déjeant A., Bourva L., Sia R., Galoisy L., Calas G., Phrommavanh V. and Descostes M. Field analyses of U and 226Ra in two uranium mill tailings piles from Niger using portable HPGe detector. J. Env. Radioact. 137, 105-112.

68) Hunault M., Robert J.L., Newville M.G., Galoisy L. and Calas G. Spectroscopic properties of five-coordinated Co2+ in phosphates. Spectrochim. Acta A 117 406–412.

69) Hunault M., Calas G., Galoisy L., LELONG G. and Newville M.G. Local ordering around tetrahedral Co2+ in silicate glasses. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 97, 60-62.


70) CHASSÉ M., LELONG L., Van NIJNATTEN P., SCHOOFS I., De WOLF J., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. Optical Absorption Microspectroscopy (µ-OAS) Based on Schwarzschild-Type Cassegrain Optics. Appl. Spectr. 69, 457-463.

71) Boekhout F., Gerard M., Kanzari A., Michel A., Déjeant A., Galoisy L., Calas G. and Descostes M. Uranium migration and retention during weathering of a granitic waste rock pile. Appl. Geoch. 58, 123–135.

72) Vercamer V., Lelong G., Hijiya H., KondO Y., Galoisy L., Calas G. Diluted Fe3+ in silicate glasses: structural effects of Fe-redox state and matrix composition. An optical absorption and X-band/Q-band EPR study. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 428, 138–145.


73) Déjeant A., Galoisy L., Roy R., Calas G., Boekhout F., Phrommavanh V. and Descostes M. Evolution of uranium distribution and speciation in mill tailings, COMINAK Mine, Niger. Sci. Total Env. 545–546, 340–352.

74) Hunault M., Bauchau F., Loisel C., Hérold M., Newville M., Galoisy L. and Calas G. Spectroscopic investigation of the coloration and fabrication conditions of medieval blue glasses. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 99, 89–97

75) Hunault M., Lelong G., Gauthier M., Gélébart F., Ismael S., Galoisy L., Bauchau F., Loisel C. and Calas G. Assessment of transition element speciation in glasses using a portable transmission UV-visible-NIR spectrometer. Appl Spectrosc. 70, 778-84.

76) Hunault M., Galoisy L., Lelong G., Newville M. and Calas G. Effect of cation field strength on Co2+ speciation in alkali-borate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 451, 101–110.

77) de Oliveira C., Verges-Belmin V. , Lafait J., Swider M., Andraud C., Tournie A. and Galoisy L. Contribution of goethite to laser-induced stone yellowing. Appl. Phys. A, 122, 467.


78) Chautard C., Beaucaire C., Gérard M., Phrommavan V., Nosc J., Galoisy L., Calas G., Roy R. and Descostes M. Geochemical characterization of U tailings (Bois Noirs Limouzat, France). Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 17, 308 – 311.

79) Kanzari A., Gérard M., Boekhout F., Galoisy L., Calas G., Descostes M. Impact of  weathering on uranium migration in granitic waste rock piles from former U-mines (Limousin, France). J. Geochem. Explor. 183A, 114-126.

80) Le Cornec D., Wang Q., Galoisy L., renaudin G., Izoret L., Calas G. Greening effect in slag cement materials. Cem. Concr. Compos. 84, 93-98.


81) Jollivet P., Calas G., Galoisy L., Angeli F., Gin S., Ruffoni M.P. and Trcera N. Zirconium local environment in simplified nuclear glasses altered in basic, neutral or acidic conditions: Evidence of a double-layered gel. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 503-504, 268-278.

82) Capobianco N., Hunault M.O.J.Y., Balcon-Berry S., Galoisy L., Sandron D. The Grande Rose of Reims cathedral : an eight-century perspective on the colour management of medieval stained glass Calas G. Sci. Reports 9, 3287.

83) Calas G., Galoisy L., Menguy N., Jollivet P. and Gin S. Incipient formation of zircon and hafnon during glass alteration at 90°C. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 102, 3123–3128.

84) Hunault M.O.J.Y., Lelong G., Cormier L., Galoisy L., Solari P.L. and Calas G. Speciation change of uranyl in lithium borate glasses. Inorg. Chem. 58, 6858-6865.


85) KADO R., KISHI T., LELONG G., GALOISY L., MATSUMURA D., CALAS G., YANO T. Structural significance of nickel sites in aluminosilicate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 539, 120070.


86) LE CORNEC D., GALOISY L., IZORET L., TRCERA N., CALAS G. Structural role of Titanium on slag properties. J Amer. Ceram. Soc. 104, 1, 105-113.

87) GALOISY L., CALAS G. The unique speciation of iron in calc-alkaline obisidians. Chemical Geology 559, 119925

88) Calas G., Galoisy L. and Geisler A. Sodium Nanoparticles in alkali halide minerals: why is villiaumite red as halite is blue? Am. Mineral. (in press: may-june issue 2021)

89) GILLES GUERY L., GALOISY L., SCHNELLRATH J., BAPTISTE B. and CALAS G. Mn3+ and the pink color of gem-quality euclase from northeast Brazil. American Mineralogist, accepted.

90) Capobianco N., Hunault M.O.J.Y., Loisel C., Trichereau B., Bauchau F., Trcera N., Galoisy L., Calas G. Skin representation in medieval stained glasses: the role of Manganese. Soumis Journ. Arecheol. SCi.  Reports.

Ouvrages et Chapitres d’ouvrages

2020 Calas G., Galoisy L. and Cormier L. (2020) The color of glass.  In " Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History and Culture", P. Richet Ed., Amer. Ceram. Soc., 677-691.

2007 « Fulgurites et verres naturels. Pierres de foudre, de feu et de choc » A. Carion, L. Galoisy, J.C.

Boulliard et R. de la Tullaye, 33pp. Imprimerie SPEI

2004 Galoisy L. X-ray absorption spectroscopy in Geosciences: information from the the EXAFS region- EMU notes in Mineralogy vol. 6 " Spectroscopic methods in Mineralogy" chapter 13, 553-587 Editors A. Beran and E. Libowitzky

2002 Eymard L. et al. Document de Prospective rédigé par le TAOB et Contributions des Organismes. 107 pp.

1999 Galoisy L. "Nickel"chapter in Encyclopedia of Geochemistry Ed.: C.P. Marshall and R.W. Fairbridge, Kluwer Academic Publishers

1999 Galoisy L. and Marshall C. "Elements: transition" chapter in Encyclopedia of Geochemistry Ed.: C.P. Marshall and R.W. Fairbridge, Kluwer Academic Publishers


Actes publiés de conférences internationales, congrès et colloques


2014 Calas, G., Galoisy, L., Cormier, L., Ferlat, G. and Lelong, G. The structural properties of cations in nuclear glasses. Procedia Materials Science 7, 23-31

2010 Calas G., Galoisy L., Cormier L., Delaye JM., Jollivet P. and Peuget S. Structural evolution of nuclear glasses under forcing conditions (irradiation, altération) Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXIVedited by K.L. Smith, S. Kroeker, B. Uberuaga, K.R. Whittle Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1265, 77-88

2003 Cormier L., Galoisy L. and Calas G. Organization around cations in oxide glasses using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. AIP Conference Proceedings, 652, 378-387

1998 Galoisy L., Delaye JM., Ghaleb D., Calas G., Le Grand M., Morin G., Ramos, A. and Pacaud F. Local structure of simplified waste glass : complementarity of XAS and MD calculations. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, XXI, 133-13

1998 Calas G., Cormier L., Galoisy L., Ramos A. and Rossano S. Chemical bonding and structural ordering of cations in Silicate Glasses. Actes des journées sur le Verre -Université d'été du CEA Valrhô-Méjanes-le-Clap - 31 Août - 7 Septembre 1997, 51-5

1998 Galoisy L., Calas G., Ramos A., Le Grand M., Allard T., Morin G., Fillet C. and Pacaud F. Evolution of the structure of simulated nuclear glasses with the introduction of noble metals (Ru, Pd). Actes des journées sur le Verre -Université d'été du CEA Valrhô- Méjanes-le-Clap - 31 Août -7 Septembre, 59-64

1997 Calas G., Cormier L., Galoisy L., Ramos A., and Rossano S. Chemical bonding and structural ordering of cations in Silicate Glasses. Actes des journées sur le Verre -Université d'été  du CEA Valrhô-Méjanes-le-Clap - 31 Août -7 Septembre, 51-58

1995 Calas G., Galoisy L., Ildefonse P. et Muller JP. La Spectroscopie des Minéraux, mémoire de leurs conditions de formation. Substances minérales et énergétiques. "Colloque International de Minéralogie Fondamentale et Appliquée, à la Mémoire de Claude Guillemin", Institut de France, Paris.

1993 Beattie PD., Clukie MM., Gaskell PH., Zhao J., Levitz P., Calas G. and Galoisy L. A neutron scattering study of the structure of mixed cation silicate glasses. Fundamentals of Glass Science and Technology Supplemento to "Rivista della Stazione del Vetro 23, 173-179

1992 Galoisy L. and Calas G. Location of impurities in alumina ceramics. Conférence interdisciplinaire sur les Diélectriques, Propriétés, Caractérisation, Applications : Société Française du vide, 296-298

1990 Galoisy L. and Calas G. Spectroscopic Characterization of Nickel in Borate and Silicate Glasses. Rivista della Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, 5, 33 – 37