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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie

fs Laser Machining

The laser machining facility is mainly being used for the drilling of gaskets for the diamond anvil cells (stainless steel, tungsten, rhenium). The technique is very fast and reliable, and the fs pulse of the laser directly ablates the material, avoiding the thermal effects of longer pulse-lasers, making it the ideal technique for gasket preparation. The system can be also used to cut and prepare samples of diverse materials, such as ceramics, metals, oxides. Depending on the material that is being machined, two laser modes are available: first harmonic (IR, λ=1030 nm) and second harmonic (green, λ=515 nm).

The possibility of machining complex forms and masks of different types is also possible upon special request.

PS. Drilling of toxic materials such as Beryllium is NOT allowed at the IMPMC.


Cécile Duflot - 23/06/21

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