Raman spectrometers
IMPMC is equipped with 2 micro-Raman confocal spectrometers well adapted for both high pressure in diamond anvil cell (DAC) and high/low temperature measurements (800 K – 10 K) but also for macroscopic samples. Available light sources are 2 Argon lasers (λ0 = 514.5 nm or 488 nm), 1 Krypton (λ0 = 647.1 nm or 676.4 nm) laser and 1 Ti:Sapphire laser (variable tuning). The Jobin-Yvon Horiba HR460 with a single-grating monochromator is used for experiments requiring high brilliance. The Jobin-Yvon Horiba T64000 with three-stage monochromator enables to work in high resolution (additive mode) or very low frequency down to 10 cm-1 (subtractive mode).
- Model T64000 with a Three stage monochromator
Laser |
Argon/Krypton | |
Grating (gr/mm) |
Single-stage monochromator |
Three-stage monochromator |
1800 or 600 |
1800*3 | |
Single stage mode (Focal length : 640 mm) : single spectrometer |
standard analyses | |
Triple additive mode (Focal length : 3 x 640 mm) : Three-stage monochromator |
ultra-high spectral resolution | |
Triple subtractive mode : double subtractive + spectrograph |
low frequency measurements < 10cm-1 | |
Detector |
Liquid nitrogen cooled CCD detector |
- Model HR460 with a single monochromator
Laser |
Argon/ Ti:Sapphire |
Grating (gr/mm) |
300 or 1500 |
Single stage mode (Focal length : 460 mm) : single spectrometer |
standard analyses, for experiments requiring high brilliance |
Set of BragGrate™ Notch Filters (BNF) for 514.5nm |
low frequency measurements < 10cm-1 |
Detector |
Peltier-cooled CCD |
| |
Raman spectroscopy under high pressure in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) |
Helium flow cryostat system which enables to operate to 10K for DAC and 6 K for micro-samples |