Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique produces images and chemical analyses of various surfaces at high resolution. The SEM available at IMPMC is a Zeiss Ultra55 with high-resolution Schottky thermal field emission gun (Schottky SEM-FEG) and fitted with the UHR Gemini® column boosted to enhance the resolution at low voltage, allowing accurate analysis at nanoscale .For more information, please read the following.
- Continuously variable EHT from 100V to 30kV
- 1,1 nm at 20 kV and 2,5 nm at 1 kV
Probe current
- 4 pA to 20 nA
- Everhart Thornley detector (SE2) for secondary electrons imaging.
- Angle selective Backscattered detector (AsB) for high energy backscattered electrons imaging.
- imaging.
- InLens (SE1) in column detector for High Resolution imaging enhanced for low kV
- Energy Selective Backscattered in column detector (EsB) for surface backscattered imaging at low kV.
- Scanning Transmission electron Microscopy detector for BF/DF imaging on thin samples
- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy detector (X-EDS) Bruker QUANTAX, 123 eV resolution on Mn, for X elementary analysis (point, linescan and mapping, mosaics) with the possibility to make quantitative with a standard library or semi-quantitative measurements.