Karim Benzerara (Directeur de recherche CNRS)
Scientific expertise
Analytical skills
STXM, Electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), microbiology
Contact Informations
Function and attachment
Senior research scientist at CNRS
Professional Resume
- Since 2012: CNRS Director of Research at IMPMC
- 2004-2012: CNRS Researcher in mineralogy/geobiology
- 2003-2005: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Stanford University (CA, USA)
Educational Background
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) - 07/09/2010
- Ph.D. in Fundamental and Applied Geochemistry, University Paris Diderot & IPGP - 20/12/2002
Selected Publications
- J. Cosmidis, K. Benzerara, T. Tyliszczak, T. 2015. Characterization of Ca-phosphate biomaterials by scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) at the Ca L2,3-, P L2,3- and C K- edges Acta Biomaterialia, 12, 260-269, 2015.
- E. Couradeau, K. Benzerara, E. Gérard, D. Moreira, S. Bernard, G.E. Brown Jr., P. López-García. An early-branching microbialite cyanobacterium forms intracellular carbonates. Science, 336, 459-462, 2012.
- M.E. Galvez, O. Beyssac, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, N. Menguy, S.C. Cox, I. Martinez, M.R., Johnston, G.E. Brown Jr. Morphological preservation of carbonaceous plant fossils in blueschist metamorphic rocks from New Zealand. Geobiology, 10,118-129, 2012.
- K. Benzerara, J. Miot, G. Morin, F. Skouri-Panet, C. Férard. Significance, mechanisms and environmental implications of microbial biomineralization, C.R. Geoscience 343, 160-167, 2011.
- K. Benzerara, N. Menguy, M. Obst, J. Stolarski, M. Mazur, T. Tylisczak, G. E. Brown Jr., A. Meibom. Study of the crystallographic architecture of corals at the nanoscale by scanning transmission x-ray microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy 111,1268-75, 2011.
- J. Miot, K. MacLellan, N. Boisset, K. Benzerara, Preservation of protein globules and peptidoglycan in the mineralized cell wall of nitrate-reducing iron(II) oxidizing bacteria: a cryo-electron microscopy study. Geobiology, 9, 459-470, 2011.
- K. Lepot, K. Benzerara, G.E. Brown Jr., P. Philippot. Microbially influenced formation of 2,724-million-year-old stromatolites. Nature Geoscience, 1, 118-121, 2008.
- K. Benzerara, N. Menguy, P. López-García, T.H. Yoon, J. Kazmierczak, T. Tyliszczak, F. Guyot, G.E. Brown Jr. Nanoscale detection of organic signatures in carbonate microbialites. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 9440-9445, 2006.
Main Collaborators
- Andreas Kappler (Univ Tubingen)
- Purificacion Lopez-Garcia (Univ Orsay)
- David Moreira (Univ Orsay)
- Muriel Gugger (Institut Pasteur)
- Didier Jézéquel (IPGP)
- Emmanuelle Gérard (IPGP)
- Jean Paul and Simona Saint Martin (CR2P MNHN)
- Alexis Templeton (Univ Colorado Boulder)
- GE. Brown Jr (Univ Stanford)
- Anabel Lopez-Archilla (Univ Aut. Madrid)
- Rosaluz Tavera (Univ Natl. Aut. Mexico)
- Amélie Leforestier (LPS Orsay)