Environnemental mineraloy
The Environmental Mineralogy group focuses his research on the mechanisms underlying the key steps of elements transfers at the Earth Surface (rock weathering, soil formation and evolution, suspended matter transport, sedimentation, diagenesis) including also anthropogenic impacts (mining and industrial operations, pesticide spreading) and environmental restoration strategies (remediation of organic and inorganic pollutions). Particular focus is given to molecular level reactions controlling elemental and isotopic partitioning of geochemical tracers and contaminants between aqueous and mineral phases. These processes involve chemical reactions at solid-solution-biological organisms interfaces that are studied at natural pilot sites and on model systems in the laboratory using spectroscopic techniques (X-ray absorption spectroscopy, magnetic resonance, Infrared), X-ray diffraction under controlled atmosphere, and microscopy (SEM, MET), and ab initio modeling (DFT), which allows to describe the mechanisms of these reactions down to the molecular scale.
For the last five years, our research has addressed three main themes: “Crystal chemistry of mineral tracers”, “Dynamics of continental surfaces: weathering and erosion processes”, “Biomineralization and natural attenuation of pollution at redox interfaces” that are detailed thereafter. This research has been conducted through numerous national and international research programs, PhD theses and Post Doctoral research fellowships. In addition, we have established strong collaborations with other teams of IMPMC, especially GEOBIO, MIP, MIMABADI, PALM and TQM.