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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie


  •  XMCD

- Cryomagnet TBT : XMCD measurements at very low temperature (from 200 mK to 300 K), in ultra high vacuum in a longitudinal 7 T magnetic field.

- Cryomagnet CROMAGNON : XMCD measurements at low temperature (from 1,5 K to 400K), in ultra high vacuum in magnetic fields of 7 T x 2 T, on the DEIMOS beamline at SOLEIL Synchrotron.

- Magnet SKIPPY : XMCD measurements (4K to 600 K) avec with an alternating magnetic field (+/-1 tesla) in ultra high vacuum, on the DEIMOS beamline at SOLEIL Synchrotron.

- Glovebox for the preparation of XMCD samples on the DEIMOS beamline at SOLEIL Synchrotron.

  • Microscopy

- Transmission electron microscopes JEOL : FEG - HRTM - EDX - EELS for structural analysis at the atomic and chemical nanometer scale .

- Ultramicrotome for TEM preparations.


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