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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie

Andy Krygier


High energy density physics

  • Experimental ultra-intense laser-solid interactions - relativistic, and fast ion neutron production
  • Modeling the ultra-intense laser-solid interaction - electron acceleration and laser absorption
  • Electrical and thermal conductivity of warm dense matter - reflectivity, X-ray absorption and refraction enhanced radiography
  • X-ray absorption, near edge structure and relaxation of FEL heated warm dense matter

Shock compression physics

  • Phase transitions in dynamically compressed Fe and Fe alloys
  • Dynamic compression of diamond

Contact Informations

Mail(s) : andrew.krygier@impmc.upmc.fr


2015 - present: postdoctoral researcher, IMPMC

2014 - 2015: postdoctoral researcher, LULI

2013 - 2014: postdoctoral researcher, Ohio State University

2007 - 2013: graduate research associate: Ohio State University

2002 - 2007: undergraduate student: Ohio State University

French and foreign diplomas

PhD, Physics, 2013. The Ohio State University

MS, Physics, 2013. The Ohio State University

BSME, Mechanical Engineering, 2007, The Ohio State University

Clubs, learned societies and associations

American Physical Society

European Physical Society


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