Francesco Giuntoli

Fieldwork, petrographic and microstructural analyses of metamorphic rocks, petrochronological analyses, deformation mechanisms.
Analytical Skills
Optical microscopy, SEM-EBSD, EPMA, thermodynamic modeling
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Post-Doctoral Researcher
2018-present Post-Doctoral Researcher at Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie
2018-2016 Post-Doctoral Researcher at Plymouth University, United Kingdom
2016-2012 PhD student at Bern University, Switzerland
Giuntoli F., Lanari P., Burn M., Kunz B., and Engi M. (2018). Deeply subducted continental fragments – Part 1: Fracturing, dissolution–precipitation, and diffusion processes recorded by garnet textures of the central Sesia Zone (western Italian Alps). Solid Earth, 9, 167-189, 10.5194/se-9-167-2018, 2018.
Giuntoli F., Lanari P. and Engi M. (2018). Deeply subducted continental fragments – Part 2: Insight from petrochronology in the central Sesia Zone (western Italian Alps). Solid Earth, 9, 191-222, 10.5194/se-9-191-2018, 2018.
Engi M., Giuntoli F., Lanari P., Burn M., Kunz B., and Bouvier A.-S. (2018). Pervasive eclogitization due to brittle deformation and rehydration of subducted basement. Effects on continental recycling? Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, in press.
Kunz B. E., Manzotti P., von Niederhäusern B., Engi M., J. R. Darling, Giuntoli F., Lanari P. (2018). Permian high-temperature metamorphism in continental units of the Western Alps (Italy). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 107, 203-229.
Lanari P., Giuntoli F., Loury C., Burn M., and Engi M. (2017). An inverse modeling approach to obtain P-T conditions of metamorphic stages involving garnet growth and resorption. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 181-199.
Giuntoli F., Engi M. (2016) Internal geometry of the central Sesia Zone (Aosta Valley, Italy): HP tectonic assembly of continental slices. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 109, 455-471.
Vitale Brovarone, A., Beltrando, M., Malavieille, J., Giuntoli, F., Tondella, E., Groppo, C., & Compagnoni, R. (2011). Inherited ocean–continent transition zones in deeply subducted terranes: insights from Alpine Corsica. Lithos, 124, 273-290.
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