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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie

Gopal Pradhan


  • Physics and Chemistry of mineral melts at  lower mantle conditions
  • High Pressure mineral physics
  • Pressure and/or temperature induced phase transitions
  • Elastic and vibrational properties of materials using optical Spectroscopy (Raman and Infrared) and Brillouin scattering

Contact Informations

Phone : +33 (0)1 44 27 37 83
Mail(s) : gopal.pradhan@impmc.upmc.fr

Function and attachment

 Post-doc CNRS


  • 2010 – Postdoc, UT Austin, USA
  • 2011 – Postdoc, LTU,Lulea,  Sweden & IISc, Bangalore, India


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French and foreign diplomas

PhD (2010), JNCASR, Bangalore, India

Clubs, learned societies and associations

American Geophysical Union
Société Française de Minéralogie et Cristallographie

Cécile Duflot (cecile.duflot @ impmc.upmc.fr) - 29/02/16

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