Laura Créon

Study of halogens solubility in mantle olivines - Experimental and numerical approaches
Contact Informations
Function and attachment
Research and Teaching assistant
2017-2018 – Research and Teaching assistant, Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des matériaux et de Cosmochimie (IMPMC) and Laboratory of Geosciences (LPG)
2016-2017 – Postdoctorate Researcher: Petrological constrains and thermodynamic modeling of the magmatic system of Los Humeros volcanic and geothermal field, Eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt. Centre for Geoscience - Queretaro, Mexico
2015-2016 – Postdoctorate Researcher: Optimisation d’une autoclave HT-HP dédiée à la spectroscopie RAMAN. Unité d’accueil : Institut Néel (Grenoble). Encadrants : Denis Testemale, Jean-Louis Hazemann
2012-2015 - PhD Position: Effets thermodynamiques de l'extension de la lithosphère sur les roches du manteau - Modélisation et quantification des flux de carbone mantellique vers la croute. Unités d’accueil : IFP Energies nouvelles (Rueil-Malmaison), IMPMC (Paris). Encadrant : François Guyot, Virgile Rouchon
L. Créon, G. Levresse, L. Remusat, G. Carrasco-Nuñez. Evidences of temporal geochemical variability in volcanic products from an eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt volcanic complex: Los Humeros. Under review.
A. Richard, C. Morlot, L. Créon, N. Beaudouin, V. S. Balitsky, S. Pentelei, V. Dyja-Person, G. Guiliani, I. Pignatelli, H. Legros, J. Sterpenich, J. Pironon, 2018. Advances in 3D imaging and volumetric reconstruction of fluid and melt inclusions by high resolution X-ray computed tomography. In press.
L. Créon, G. Levresse, L. Remusat, H. Bureau, G. Carrasco-Nuñez, 2018. New method for silicate melt inclusion homogenization: A mathematical approach coupling X‐ray microtomography, geochemistry and thermodynamics. Chemical Geology, 483 : 162-173
L. Créon, V. Rouchon, S. Youssef, E. Rosenberg, G. Delpech, F. Guyot, Cs. Szabo, P. Tafforeau, L. Remusat, E. Boller, S. Mostefaoui, P.D. Asimow, P.M. Antoshechkina, M.S Ghiorso, 2017. Highly CO2-supersaturated melts in the Pannonian lithospheric mantle – A transient carbon reservoir? Lithos, 286-287: 519-533.
L. Créon, G. Delpech, V. Rouchon, F. Guyot, 2017. Slab-derived melt injection and lithospheric mantle metasomatism in the Carpatho-Pannonian mantle revealed by mantle xenolith investigations from the Bakony Balaton Highland Volcanic Field. Lithos, 286-287: 534-552.
N. Métrich, V. Zanon, L. Créon, A. Hildenbrand, M. Moreira, F. Marques, 2014. Is the “Azores hotspot” a wetspot? Insights from geochemistry of fluid and melt inclusions in olivine of Pico basalts. Journal of Petrology, 55 (2): 377-393.
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