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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie

Marion Harmand


Physic of matter under extreme condition

  • Iron and iron alloys phase diagnram at extreme pressures (> Mbar)
  • Phase transition kinetics under laser dynamic compression loading
  • Plasma and warm dense matter physic
  • Photon-matter interaction and out-of-equilibrium processes

Diagnostics and experimental tools

  • X-ray diagnostics such as Scattering, diffuse scattering, absorption spectroscopy (XANES and EXAFS)
  • Free Electron Lasers FEL facilities
  • High-energy and high-intensity lasers

Function and attachment

Research scientist at CNRS

E-mail: marion.harmand@upmc.fr


Since 2014 : Researcher at CNRS (CR2)

2012-2014 : Project leader of the ANR-IRONFEL at LULI laboratory

2009-2012 : Postdoctoral position at the photon science group of FLASH – DESY in Hamburg, Germany

2006-2009 : PhD at the CELIA laboratory in Bordeaux, France «  Time resolved absorption spectroscopy for Warm dense Matter studies » with F. Dorchies and O. Peyrusse.



ANR IRONFEL (2012-2016) as PI

ERC PLANETDIVE (2016-2021) as Co-PI

French and foreign diplomas

2009: PhD at the CELIA laboratory in Bordeaux, France «  Time resolved absorption spectroscopy for Warm dense Matter studies » with F. Dorchies and O. Peyrusse.

Cécile Duflot - 18/02/20

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