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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie

Lola Perruchon-Monge

Function and attachment

Graduate Research Assistant

Project : Phase Diagram and thermoelastic properties of iron alloy at planetary core conditions

- Experimental study of Fe-S-Si and Fe-S-O systems: application to middle size telluric planetary bodies, and in particular to Mercury and Mars.

- Synchrotron measurements combining high pressure techniques (diamond anvil cells) and high temperature (laser heating) as well as electronic microscopy on recovered samples.

PhD supervisors : Daniele Antonangeli (MP3 team- IMPMC UMR 7590) and Nicolas Guignot (PSICHÉ beamline - Synchrotron SOLEIL)


Contact IMPMC : lola.perruchon-monge(at)sorbonne-universite.fr


Contact SOLEIL : lola.perruchon-monge(at)synchrotron-soleil.fr

tel +33(0)1 69 35 96 22



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