Workshop: Improving the accuracy of ab initio predictions for materials - 17-20 September 2018
Organizers: Carlo Pierleoni (DSFC, University of L'Aquila, Italy), Dario Alfè (University College London, United Kingdom), Ceperley David M. (UIUC, USA) and Michele Casula (Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie, Sorbonne Université, France).
Ab-initio simulation methods are the major tool to perform research in condensed matter physics, materials science, quantum and molecular chemistry. They can be classified in terms of their accuracy and efficiency, but typically more accurate means less efficient and vice-versa... To know more
Workshop: REST in Paris : Common problems and solutions in core and valence theoretical spectroscopies - 7-8 DEcember 2017
A two-day workshop organized by the GdR REST and co-funded by EUSPec COST Action and DIM Oxymore, which will take place on December 7th and 8th 2017 in Paris (Université Pierre et Marie Curie):
Common problems and solutions in core and valence theoretical spectroscopies
The workshop aims to bring together researchers from core and valence spectroscopies (XAS, XPS, (N)-RIXS, optical absorption, EELS) in order to compare their respective theoretical approaches. The goal is to identify common problems, and to propose possible solutions adopted from the various communities.
The common theme to all lectures is the modeling of the hole-electron interaction.
This meeting aims to be a pedagogical and convivial moment of science, with a lot of time devoted to discussion between participants. On the first day, renowned invited speakers will introduce and compare the various approaches (DFT, TDDFT, Green functions). On the second day contributed talks from the participants will be presented.
Confirmed invited speakers: Guillaume Radtke (IMPMC), Lucia Reining (Ecole Polytechnique), Yves Joly (Institut Néel), Jianqiang (Sky) Zhou and Pierluigi Cudazzo (Ecole Polytechnique), Maurits Haverkort (Univ. Heidelberg), Christian Brouder(IMPMC)
Workshop: Theory and applications of RPA-and-beyond methods in physics and chemistry - 2-4 May 2017
A workshop on "Theory and applications of RPA-and-beyond methods in physics and chemistry" will take place on the Jussieu campus, Amphi Charpak (Tower 22, street level) on 2-4 May 2017.
The workshop will be about recent developments and applications of the many-body random-phase approximations (RPA) and beyond in Nuclear physics, Condensed-matter physics, and Quantum chemistry.
Organizers: Maria Hellgren (IMPMC, UPMC, Paris), Eleonora Luppi (LCT, UPMC, Paris), Nathalie Pillet (CEA, Paris), Peter Schuck (IPN Orsay & LPMMC Grenoble), Gustavo Scuseria (Rice University, USA), Julien Toulouse (LCT, UPMC, Paris)
SCHOOL: Psi-K Quantum-ESPRESSO School on Ab-Initio Thermal Transport - 27-30 June 2016
Organizers: Lorenzo Paulatto (IMPMC, Université Paris 6/CNRS, FR) Giorgia Fugallo (ETSF/LSI, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, FR), Andrea Cepellotti (EPFL, CH) and Francesco Mauri (Università di Roma La Sapienza, IT).
This school will provide the conceptual and computational tools to predict the intrinsic phonon-driven thermal transport of materials, fully ab-initio.
The school will be composed of two parts: (1) introduction to density functional theory, total energy calculations and phonons, and (2) anharmonicity and thermal transport, by means of the generalized density functional perturbation theory and the Boltzmann transport equation.
Confirmed speakers:
Andrea Cepellotti, École Polytechnique Fédérale, Lausanne, Switzerland
Giorgia Fugallo, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Lorenzo Paulatto, IMPMC/CNRS, Paris, France
Guilherme Ribeiro, IMPMC/UPMC, Paris France
Stefano de Gironcoli, SISSA, Trieste, Italy