Olivier Beyssac
Graphitic Carbons
Office : T22-23, 5th Floor, Room 514
Mail : olivier.beyssac(at)upmc.fr
Website: http://www-ext.impmc.upmc.fr/~beyssac/index.html
- Raman Spectroscopy, Field Work, Microscopy
- Since 2013: CNRS Director of Research at IMPMC.
- 2009-2013: CNRS Research scientist at IMPMC Paris.
- 2003-2009: CNRS Research scientist at Laboratoire de Geologie, ENS Paris.
- 2003-2004: Visiting scientist at GPS division, California Institute of Technology, USA.
- 2002-2003: Postdoctoral fellow, Service Photons Atomes Molecules, CEA Saclay.
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) - 01/06/2010
- Ph.D. in Earth Sciences, University Paris 11 & ENS Paris - 17/12/2001
- Beyssac O., Goffe B., Chopin, C. and Rouzaud J.N. (2002) Raman spectra of carbonaceous material from metasediments: a new geothermometer. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20, 859-871.
- Beyssac O., Goffe, B., Petitet, J.P., Froigneux, E., Moreau, M. and Rouzaud, J.N. (2003) On the characterization of disordered and heterogeneous carbonaceous materials using Raman spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta A, 59, 2267-2276.
- Beyssac O., Brunet F., Petitet J.P., Goffe B. and Rouzaud J.N. (2003) Experimental study of the microtextural and structural transformations of carbonaceous materials under pressure and temperature. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15, 937-951.
- Beyssac O., Simoes M., Avouac J.P., Farley K.A., Chen Y.G., Chan Y.C. & Goffe B. (2007) Late Cenozoic metamorphic evolution and exhumation of Taiwan. Tectonics, 26, TC6001, doi:10.1029/2006TC002064.
- Galy V., Beyssac O., France-Lanord C. & Eglinton T. (2008) Selective recycling of graphite during Himalayan erosion: a geological stabilisation of C in the crust. Science, 322, 943-945.
- Bouchez J., Beyssac O., Galy V., Gaillardet J., France-Lanord C., Maurice L. & Moreira-Turcq P. (2010) Oxidation of fossil organic carbon in the Amazon floodplain as a source of atmospheric CO2. Geology, 38, 255-258.
- Bernard S., Beyssac O., Benzerara K., Findling N., Tzvetkov G. & Brown Jr. G.E. (2010) XANES, Raman and XRD signatures of anthracene-based cokes and saccharose-based chars submitted to high temperature pyrolysis, Carbon, 48, 2506-2516.
- Galvez ME., Beyssac O., Benzerara K., Bernard S., Menguy N., Cox SC., Martinez I., Johnston MR. & Brown Jr G. (2012) Morphological preservation of carbonaceous plant fossils in blueschist metamorphic rocks from New Zealand. Geobiology, 10, 118-129.
- Beyssac, O. and Lazzeri, M. (2012) Application of Raman spectroscopy to the study of graphitic carbons in the Earth Sciences. in: Applications of Raman Spectroscopy to Earth Sciences and Cultural Heritage (J. Dubessy, M.-C. Caumon and F. Rull, editors). EMU Notes in Mineralogy, 12, 415-454. European Mineralogical Union and the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland.
- Vitale Brovarone A., Beyssac O., Malavieille J., Molli G., Beltrando M. & Compagnoni R. (2013) Stacking and metamorphism of continuous segments of subducted lithosphere in a high-pressure wedge: The example of Alpine Corsica (France). Earth Science Reviews, 116, 35-56.
- Galvez ME, Beyssac O., Martinez I., Benzerara K., Chaduteau C., Malvoisin B. & Malavieille J. (2013) Graphite formation by carbonate reduction during subduction. Nature Geoscience, 6 (6), 473-477.