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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie
UMR 7590 - Sorbonne Université/CNRS/MNHN/IRD


A. Acosta-Vigil, A. Barich, O. Bartoli, C. J. Garrido, B. Cesare, _L. Remusat_, S. Poli and C. Raepsaet (2016) *“The composition of nanogranitoids in migmatites overlying the Ronda peridotites (Betic Cordillera, S Spain): the anatectic history of a polymetamorphic basement”*. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. *171*:24. doi:10.1007/s00410-016-1230-3.


J. Aléon (2018) Closed-system oxygen isotope redistribution in igneous CAIs upon spinel dissolution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 482, 324-333.


J. Aléon (2016) Oxygen isotopes in the early protoplanetary disk inferred from pyroxene in a classical type B CAI. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 440, 62-70.


J. Aléon (2010) Multiple origins of nitrogen isotopic anomalies in meteorites and comets. Astrophyical Journal 722, 1342-1351.


O. Bartoli, B. Cesare, _L. Remusat_, A. Acosta-Vigil, S. Poli (2014) *“The water content of granite embryos”*. Earth and Planetary Science Letter 395, pp. 281-290. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.031


M. Blanchard, M. Roberge, E. Balan, G. Fiquet and H. Bureau (2013) Infrared signatures of OH-defects in wadsleyite: a first-principles study. American Mineralogist 98, 2132-2143


L. E. Bove, R. Gaal, Z. Raza, A. A. Ludl, S. Klotz, A. Goncharov, P. Gillet, (2016). Effect of salt on the H-bond symmetrization in ice,  Proc. Nat. Accad. Of Science 112, 8216–8220


E. Boulard, N. Menguy, A.L. Auzende, H. Bureau, K. Benzerara, D. Antonangeli, A. Corgne, G. Morard, J. Siebert, J.P. Perrillat, F. Guyot and G. Fiquet (2012) "Experimental investigation of the stability of Fe-rich carbonates in the lower mantle" Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 117, B02208, 15 PP., 2012 doi:10.1029/2011JB008733


H. Bureau, D.J. Frost, N. Bolfan-Casanova, C. Leroy, I. Esteve, P. Cordier (2016) Diamond growth in mantle fluids. Lithos 265, 4-15.  


H. Bureau, A.-L. Auzende, M. Marocchi, C. Raepsaet, P. Munsch, D. Testemale, M. Mézouar, S. Kubsky, M. Carrière, A. Ricolleau and G. Fiquet (2015) The Volcanic degassing of Iodine, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 173, 114-125.


H. Bureau, F. Langenhorst, A.-L. Auzende, D.J. Frost, I. Estève, J. Siebert, (2012) The growth of fibrous, cloudy and polycrystalline diamonds, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 77, 202-214.


H. Bureau, E. Foy, C. Raepsaet, A. Somogyi, P. Munsch, G. Simon, S. Kubsky (2010) Bromine cycle in subduction zones through in situ Br monitoring in diamond anvil cells, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 3839-3850. Doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.04.001


E. Charon, J. Aléon, J.-N. Rouzaud (2014) Impact delivery of organic matter on the acapulcoite-lodranite parent-body deduced from C, N isotopes and nanostructures of carbons in Acapulco and Lodran. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 142, 224-239.


L. Créon, V. Rouchon, S. Youssef, E. Rosenberg, G. Delpech, C. Szabó, _L. Remusat_, S. Mostefaoui, P. D. Asimow, P. M. Antoshechkina, M. S. Ghiorso, E. Boller, F. Guyot (2017) *“Highly CO2-supersaturated melts in the Pannonian lithospheric mantle – A transient carbon reservoir?”*. /Lithos./ **286–287, **pp. 519–533 . doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2016.12.009.**


B. Cochain, C. Sanloup, C. De Grouchy, C. Crepisson, H. Bureau, C. Leroy, J. Drewitt, I. Kantor, T. Irifune (2015) Bromine speciation in hydrous silicate melts at high pressure. Chemical geology 404, 18-26.


C. Crépisson; M. Blanchard; H. Bureau; C. Sanloup; A. C Withers; H. Khodja; S. Surblé; K. Béneut; C. Leroy; P. Giura; E. Balan  (2014) Clumped fluoride-hydroxyl defects in forsterite: Implications for the upper-mantle Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 390, 287-295.


C. Crépisson, G. Morard, H. Bureau, G. Prouteau, Y. Morizet , S. Petit-Girard, C. Sanloup (2014) Magmas trapped at depth and the continental  lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 393, 105-112.


C. Crépisson, H. Bureau, M. Blanchard, J. Ingrin, E. Balan (2014) Theoretical infrared spectrum of partially protonated cationic vacancies in forsterite, European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 203-210.


D. Daval, S. Bernard, _L. Remusat_, B. Wild, F.Guyot, J.-S. Micha, F. Rieutord, V. Magnin, A. Fernandez-Martinez (2017) *“**Dynamics of altered surface layer formation on dissolving silicates” *Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, *209*, 51-69. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.04.010


A. Elmaleh, F. Bourdelle, F. Caste, K. Benzerara, H. Leroux and B. Devouard (2015) Formation and transformations of Fe-rich serpentines by asteroidal aqueous alteration processes: A nanoscale study of the Murray chondrite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 158, 162-178.


A. Elmaleh, S.C. Tarantino, M. Zema, B. Devouard and M. Fialin (2012) The low-temperature magnetic signature of Fe-rich serpentine in CM2 chondrites: Comparison with terrestrial cronstedtite and evolution with the degree of alteration. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 13, Q05Z42.


T. Kawamoto, K. Mibe, H. Bureau, S. Reguer, C. Mocuta, S. Kubsky, D. Thiaudière, S. Ono, T. Kogiso (2014) Large-ion lithophile elements delivered by saline fluids to the sub-arc mantle. Earth, planets and Space, 66:61, doi:10.1186/1880-5981-66-61.


S. Klotz , K. Komatsu , F. Pietrucci , H. Kagi , A.-A. Ludl , S. Machida , T. Hattori, A. Sano-Furukawa  & L. E. Bove, (2016). Ice VII from aqueous salt solutions: From a glass to a crystal with broken H-bonds, Nature Sci. Rep. 6, 32040; doi: 10.1038/srep32040


A.A. Ludl, L. E. Bove, D. Corradini, A.M. Saitta, M. Salanne, T. Hansen, C. (2017). Probing ice VII crystallization from amorphous NaCl–D2O solutions at gigapascal pressures, Bull, S. Klotz, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.  19 (3), 1875-1883


M. Mamane, M. Cathelineau, F. Bourdelle, M.C. Boiron, A. Elmaleh, M. Brouand (2016) Hot fluid flows in thermal desequilibrium with Paleozoic and Jurassic U-bearing series (Tim Mersoi basin, Niger): a P-T reconstruction combining chlorite and fluid inclusion thermometry. Journal of Sedimentary Research 86, 914–928.


L. A.J. Martin, J. Hermann, L. Gauthiez‐Putallaz, D. Whitney, A. Vitale Brovarone, N. Evans (2014). Lawsonite geochemistry and stability – Implication for trace element and water cycles in subduction zones. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32, 455-478 DOI: 10.1111/jmg.12093


L. A.J. Martin, D. Rubatto, J. Hermann, C. Crépisson, B. Putliz, A. Vitale Brovarone, 2014. Garnet oxygen analysis by SHRIMP-SI: matrix corrections and application to high pressure metasomatic rocks from Alpine Corsica. Chemical Geology, 374-375, 25-36.


G. Morard, D. Andrault, D. Antonangeli, Y. Nakajima, A.L. Auzende, E. Boulard, S. Cervera, A. Clark, O.T. Lord, J. Siebert, V. Svitlyk, G. Garbarino, M. Mezouar. (2017) Fe–FeO and Fe–Fe3C melting relations at Earth’s core–mantle boundary conditions: Implications for a volatile-rich or oxygen-rich core. Earth and Planetary Sciences Research 473, 94-103.


G. Morard , Y. Nakajima, D. Andrault, D. Antonangeli, A. L. Auzende, E. Boulard,

S. Cervera, A. N. Clark, O. T. Lord, J. Siebert, V. Svitlyk, G. Garbarino, and M. Mezouar. (2017) Structure and Density of Fe-C liquid alloys under high pressure. J. of Geophys. Res. Soid Earth, 10.1002/2017JB014779.


D. Novella, D. J. Frost, E. H. Hauri, H. Bureau, C. Raepsaet and M. Roberge (2014) The distribution of H2O between silicate melt and nominally anhydrous peridotite and the onset of hydrous melting in the deep upper mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 400, 1-13.


L. Piani, F. Robert and _L. Remusat_ (2015) *“**Micron-scale D/H heterogeneity in chondrite matrices: A signature of the pristine solar system water?**”*/Earth and Planetary Science Letters/*415*, pp. 154-164. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.01.039


F. Piccoli, Vitale Brovarone, A., Beyssac, O., Martinez, I., Ague, J.J., Chaduteau, C., 2016. Carbonation by fluid-rock interactions at High-Pressure conditions: implications for Carbon cycling in subduction zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450, 146-159.


H. Pilorgé, B. Reynard, L. Remusat, S. Le Floch, G. Montagnac, and H. Cardon (2017)*“D/H diffusion in serpentine” */Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta/. *211*, 355-371. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.04.010


D.L. Pinti, A. Ishida, N. Takahata, Y. Sano, H. Bureau, P. Cartigny (2016) Micron-scale delta C-13 determination by NanoSIMS in a Juina diamond with a carbonate inclusion. Geochemical Journal 50/4, E7-E12. DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0427


U. Ranieri, M. M. Koza, S. Klotz, R. Gaal, P. Gillet, A. Falenty, D. Wallacher, W. F. Kuhs, L. E. Bove, (2017) Fast Methane Diffusion during Coexistence of two Clathrate Structures,  Nature Comm.  8, 1076.


U. Ranieri, L. E. Bove, S. Klotz, P. Gillet, A. Falenty, D. Wallacher, W. F. Kuhs, (2016). Neutron diffraction on methane and hydrogen hydrates under high pressure Acta   Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 72(a1): s415-s415


M. Roberge, H. Bureau, N. Bolfan-Casanova, D. Frost, C. Raepsaet, S. Surble, H. Khodja, A.L. Auzende, P. Cordier, G. Fiquet. (2017) Chlorine in wadsleyite and ringwoodite: an experimental study, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 467, 99-107.


M. Roberge, H. Bureau, N. Bolfan-Casanova, D. Frost, C. Raepsaet, S. Surble, H. Khodja, A.L. Auzende, G. Fiquet. (2015) Is the transition zone a deep reservoir for Fluorine? Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 429, 25-32.


M. Soret, P. Agard, B. Dubacq, A. Vitale Brovarone, P. Manié, A. Chauvet, H. Whitchurch, B. Vilement, (2016). Strain localization and fluid infiltration in the mantle wedge during subduction initiation: evidence from the base of the New Caledonia ophiolite. Lithos. 244, 1-19. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2015.11.022


A. Stephant, _L. Remusat_, F. Robert (2017) *“Water in type I chondrules of Paris CM chondrite”*. /Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta./ *199*, pp.75-90. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.031


A. Stephant, _L. Remusat_, A. Thomen, F. Robert (2014) *“Reduction of OH contamination in quantification of water contents using NanoSIMS imaging”*. /Chemical Geology /380, pp. 20-26 doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.04.018


A Vitale Brovarone, I. Martinez, A. Elmaleh, R. Compagnoni,  C. Chaduteau, C.Ferraris, I. Esteve, (2017). Massive production of abiotic methane during subduction evidenced in metamorphosed ophicarbonates from the Italian Alps. Nature Communications.  DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14134.


A. Vitale Brovarone, O. Beyssac (2014). Lawsonite metasomatism: a new route for water to the deep Earth. Earth and Planetary Sicence Letters,  393, 275-284.


G. J. Wasserburg, I. D. Hutcheon, J. Aléon, E. C. Ramon, A. N. Krot, K. Nagashima, A. J. Brearley (2011). Extremely Na- and Cl- rich chondrule from the CV3 carbonaceous chondrite Allende. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 4752-4770.


A. C. Withers, H. Bureau, C. Raepsaet, M. M. Hirschmann (2012) Calibration of infrared spectroscopy by elastic recoil detection analysis of H in synthetic olivine. Chemical Geology 334, 92-98.


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