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[A1] William Sacks, Alain Mauger, and Yves Noat, From Cooper-pair glass to unconventional superconductivity: a unified approach to cuprates and pnictides, Solid State Comm. 257, 1 (2017).
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[A3]Haidong Zhang, Hanyu Liu, Kaya Wei, Oleksandr O. Kurakevych, Yann Le Godec, Zhenxian Liu, Joshua Martin, Michael Guerrette, George S. Nolas, and Timothy A. Strobel, BC8 Silicon (Si-III) is a Narrow-Gap Semiconductor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 146601 (2017).
[A4]William Sacks, Alain Mauger, and Yves Noat, Unconventional temperature dependence of the cuprate excitation spectrum, Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 183 (2016).
[A5]Hicham Moutaabbid, Yann Le Godec, Dario Taverna, Benoı̂t Baptiste, Yannick Klein, Geneviève Loupias, and Andrea Gauzzi, High-Pressure Control of Vanadium Self-Intercalation and Enhanced Metallic Properties in 1T-V1+xS2 Single Crystals, Inorg. Chem. 55, 6481–6486 (2016).
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[A7] David Santos-Cottin, Michele Casula, Gabriel Lantz, Yannick Klein, Luca Petaccia, Patrick Le Fèvre, François Bertran, Evangelos Papalazarou, Marino Marsi & Andrea Gauzzi, Rashba coupling amplification by a staggered crystal field, Nature Communications 7, 11258 (2016).
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[A12] Oleksandr Kurakevych, Yann Le Godec, Timothy A. Strobel, Duck Young Kim, Wilson A. Crichton, Jérémy Guignard, High-Pressure and High-Temperature Stability of Antifluorite Mg2C by in Situ X-ray Diffraction and ab Initio Calculations, J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 8128–8133 (2014).
[A13] A. Gauzzi, A. Sellam, G. Rousse, Y. Klein, D. Taverna, P. Giura, M. Calandra, G. Loupias, F. Gozzo, E. Gilioli, F. Bolzoni, G. Allodi, R. De Renzi, G. L. Calestani, and P. Roy, Possible phase separation and weak localization in the absence of a charge-density wave in single-phase 1T-VS2, Phys. Rev. B 89, 235125 (2014).
[A14] Solozhenko, Vladimir L.; Kurakevych, Oleksandr O., Equilibrium p-T Phase Diagram of Boron: Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Analysis, Scientific Reports 3, 2351 (2013).
[A15] A. Gauzzi, G. Rousse, F. Mezzadri, G. L. Calestani, G. André, F. Bourée, M. Calicchio, E. Gilioli, R. Cabassi, F. Bolzoni, A. Prodi, P. Bordet, and M. Marezio, Magnetoelectric coupling driven by inverse magnetostriction in multiferroic BiMn3Mn4O12, Journal of Applied Physics 113, 043920 (2013).
[A16] Matteo d’Astuto, Ikuya Yamada, Paola Giura, Lorenzo Paulatto, Andrea Gauzzi, Moritz Hoesch, Michael Krisch, Masaki Azuma, and Mikio Takano, Phonon anomalies and lattice dynamics in the superconducting oxychlorides Ca2−xCuO2Cl2, Phys. Rev. B 88, 014522 (2013).
[A17]Oleksandr O. Kurakevych, Timothy A. Strobel, Duck Young Kim, Takaki Muramatsu, and Viktor V. Struzhkin, Na-Si Clathrates Are High-Pressure Phases: A Melt-Based Route to Control Stoichiometry and Properties, Cryst. Growth Des. 13, 303–307 (2013).
[A18] K. Zaghiba, M. Trudeau, A. Guerfi, J. Trottier, A. Mauger, R. Veillette, C.M. Julien, New advanced cathode material: LiMnPO4 encapsulated with LiFePO4, Journal of Power Sources 204, 177-181 (2012).
[A19] Solozhenko, Vladimir L.; Kurakevych, Oleksandr; Le Godec, Yann, Creation of Nanostuctures by Extreme Conditions: High-Pressure Synthesis of Ultrahard Nanocrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride, Advanced Materials 24, 1540-1544 (2012).
[A20] K. Zaghib, M. Dontigny, A. Guerfi, J. Trottier, J. Hamel-Paquet, V. Gariepy, K. Galoutov, P. Hovington, A. Mauger, H. Groult, C.M. Julien, An improved high-power battery with increased thermal operating range: CeLiFePO4//CeLi4Ti5O12, Journal of Power Sources 216, 192-200 (2012).
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Zoom Science - La Collection de Microbialites du MNHN : étude géochimique à travers le temps et l’espace
Les microbialites sont des structures sédimentaires microbiennes qui constituent certaines des plus anciennes traces de vie sur Terre. En raison de leur dépôt dans un large éventail d'environnements et de leur présence pendant la majeure partie des temps géologiques, les signatures sédimentologiques...
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