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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie
UMR 7590 - Sorbonne Université/CNRS/MNHN/IRD

Marzena Baron

Domaine d’expertise


  • Earth and planetary structure, evolution and dynamics;
  • Accretion and differentiation of the primitive Earth and other terrestrial planets;
  • Physical and chemical properties of planetary materials at extreme conditions (e.g. silicate minerals, melts and iron alloys);
  • High pressure and high temperature experiments;
  • Computational mineral physics;
  • Technical development and micro-fabrication of novel experimental assemblages for LH-DAC experiments.


Analytical Techniques:

  • Electron microscopy (FE-EPMA, SEM, FIB and TEM)
  • X-Ray Diffraction
  • X-Ray Fluorescence
  • Raman and IR Spectroscopy


Experimental and Theoretical Techniques:

  • high pressure and high temperature devices:
    • laser heated diamond anvil cells (LH-DAC)
    • piston cylinder presses
    • ab initio simulations using VASP code

Fonction et rattachement

Post doctoral researcher in the frame of the ERC PlanetDive

E-mail adress



  • IX 2017 – present - Post doctoral Researcher at at Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie (IMPMC) – UMR 7590, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France.
  • V – VIII 2017 – Postdoctoral Research Technician at School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK.
  • IX 2013 – III 2017 - PhD Research Fellow at Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, University of Oslo, Norway and visiting PhD student at School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK.
  • IX 2012 – VIII 2013 – Research Assistant at Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
  • VI – VIII 2013 - Research Assistant at Center of Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden.


  • Trønnes R.G., Baron M.A., Eigenmann K.R., Guren M.G., Løken A., Mohn C.E., (accepted) Early melting and differentiation, Earth and terrestrial planets.
  • Baron M.A., Lord O.T., Myhill R., Thomson A.R., Wang W., Trønnes R.G., Walter M.J., (2017) Experimental constrains of the melting phase relations in the MgO-SiO2 system at the lower mantle condition. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 472, 186–196.
  • Dobson D.P., Hunt S.A., Ahmed J., Lord O.T., Wann E.T.H., Santangeli J., Wood I.G., Vočadlo L., Walker A.M., Thomson A.R., Baron M.A., Mueller H.J., Lathe C., Whitaker M., Morard G., Mezouar M. (2016) The phase diagram of NiSi under the conditions of small planetary interiors. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 261(B), 196–206.
  • Walter M.J., Thomson A.R., Wang W., Lord O.T., Ross. J., McMahon S.C., Baron M.A., Melekhova E., Kleppe A.K., Kohn S.C. (2015) The stability of hydrous silicates in Earth's lower mantle: Experimental constraints from the systems MgO–SiO2–H2O and MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. Chem. Geol. 418, 16–29. 
  • Baron M.A., Stalder R., Konzett J., Hauzenberger C.A. (2014) OH-point defects in quartz in B- and Li-bearing systems and their application to pegmatites. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 42(1), 53- 62.

Prix et distinctions

  • Kristine Bonnevie Scholarship from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway (twice: in 2014 and 2015)
  • The best master thesis of 2012 - “Diamonds of AGH” under the patronage of His Magnificence Rector of AGH, Poland;
  • Honorary Sword of SITPNiG for the top student graduated in 2012 at the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH, Poland;
  • Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding students in 2011/2012 academic year, Warszawa, Poland;
  • Sapere Auso Scholarship Program 2011/2012 for outstanding students, Krakow, Poland;
  • Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) Foundation scholarship for best students in science and technology in 2010/2011, Warsaw, Poland.

Diplômes français et étrangers

  • IX 2013 – III 2017 – PhD, Earth Sciences

Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, University of Oslo, Norway
in collaboration with School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK.

Dissertation Title: 
“Experimental constrains on Earth’s lower mantle melting and core formation” Supervisors: prof. Reidar Trønnes (UoO), prof. Michael Walter (UoB), dr. Oliver Lord (UoB), dr. Chris Mohn (UoO), prof. Carmen Gaina (UoO)

  • III 2011 – VI 2012 – M.S. in Geoscience (with distinction)

Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH-University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland
in collaboration with the Center of Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Thesis Title: 
“Petrography, mineral chemistry and modeling of time scales of magmatic processes at Nola Seamount, Cape Verde Islands”

Supervisors: Prof. Maciej Manecki (AGH) and Dr. Abigail K. Barker (UU)

  • X 2007 – III 2011 – B.S. in Geology

Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH-University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland.

Clubs, sociétés savantes et associations

  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)  
  • Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG) 


Traductions :

    Zoom Science - Diffusion Résonante Inélastique des rayons X, une technique puissante pour sonder les matériaux

    La diffusion inélastique résonante des rayons X (RIXS) est une technique puissante combinant spectroscopie et diffusion inélastique pour étudier la structure électronique des matériaux. Elle repose sur l’interaction des rayons X avec la matière, où les spectres RIXS peuvent être approximés comme une...

    » Lire la suite


    A. Marco Saitta

    Directeur de l'institut



    Ouafa Faouzi

    Secrétaire générale



    Jérôme Normand

    Gestion du personnel

    Réservation des salles



    Antonella Intili

    Accueil et logistique

    Réservation des salles



    Idanie Alain, Sanaz Haghgou, Hazem Gharib, Angélique Zadi

    Gestion financière



    Cécile Duflot





    Expertiser une météorite


    Contact unique pour l'expertise de matériaux et minéraux


    Stages d'observation pour élèves de 3e et de Seconde



    Adresse postale

    Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie - UMR 7590

    Sorbonne Université - 4, place Jussieu - BC 115 - 75252 Paris Cedex 5


    Adresse physique

    Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie - UMR 7590 - Sorbonne Université - 4, place Jussieu - Tour 23 - Barre 22-23, 4e étage - 75252 Paris Cedex 5


    Adresse de livraison

    Accès : 7 quai Saint Bernard - 75005 Paris, Tour 22.

    Contact : Antonella Intili : Barre 22-23, 4e étage, pièce 420, 33 +1 44 27 25 61



    Fax : 33 +1 44 27 51 52