Liste des publications
Balan E., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Ingrin J. (2017) Theoretical Raman spectrum and anharmonicity of tetrahedral OH defects in hydrous forsterite. European Journal of Mineralogy (accepted).
Balan E., Aufort J., Pouillé S., Dabos M., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Rollion-Bard C., Blamart D. (2017) Infrared spectroscopic study of sulfate-bearing calcite from deep-sea bamboo coral. European Journal of Mineralogy (accepted).
Laine M., Balan, E., Allard T. Paineau E., Jeunesse P., Mostafavi M., Robert JL., Le Caer S. (2017) Reaction mechanisms in swelling clays under ionizing radiation: influence of the water amount and of the nature of the clay mineral. RSC Advances 7, 526-534.
Blanchard M., Ingrin J., Balan E., Kovacs I, Withers A. (2017) Effect of iron and trivalent cations on OH-defects in olivine. American Mineralogist 102, 302-311.
Blanchard, Marc; Balan, Etienne; Schauble, Edwin A. (2017) Equilibrium Fractionation of Non-traditional Isotopes: a Molecular Modeling Perspective. Edited by: Teng, FZ; Watkins, J; Dauphas, N.. NON-TRADITIONAL STABLE ISOTOPES Book Series: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 82, 27-63.
Brovarone AV, Martinez I., Elmaleh A., Compagnoni R., Chaduteau C., Ferraris C., Esteve I. Massive production of abiotic methane during subduction evidenced in metamorphosed ophicarbonates from the Italian Alps. Nature Communications 8, 14134, 1-13.
Le Pape P., Blanchard M., Brest J., Boulliard J.C., Ikogou M., Stetten L., Wang S., Landrot G., Morin G. (2017) Arsenic incorporation in pyrite at ambient temperature at both tetrahedral S-I and octahedral Fe+II sites: evidence from EXAFS-DFT analysis. Environmental Science and Technology 51, 150-158.
Le Pape P., Battaglia-Brunet F., Parmentier M., Joulian C., Gassaud C., Fernandez-Rojo L., Guigner J-M., Ikogou M., Stetten L., Olivi L., Casiot C., Morin G. (2017) Complete removal of arsenic and zinc from a heavily contaminated Acid Mine Drainage via an indigenous SRB consortium. Journal of Hazardous Materials 321, 764-772.
Ikogou M., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot, F., Le Pape P., Menguy N., Richeux N., Guigner J.-M., Noël V., Brest J., Baptiste B., Morin G. (2017) Long-term sequestration of nickel after mackinawite formation by Desulfovibrio capillatus upon Fe(III)-citrate reduction in the presence of thiosulfate, Applied Geochemistry 80 (2017) 143-154.
Marchand, C., (2017) Soil carbon stocks and burial rates along a mangrove forest chronosequence (French Guiana). Forest Ecology and Management 384, 92-99.
Leopold A., Marchand C., Deborde J., Allenbach M. (2017) Water biogeochemistry of a mangrove-dominated estuary under a semi-arid climate (New Caledonia). Estuaries and Coasts 40, 773-791.
Grellier, S., Janeau, J-L., Nhon Dang Hoai, Cuc Nguyen Thi Kim, Quynh Le Thi Phuong, Thao Pham Thi Thu, Nhu-Trang Tran-Thi , Marchand, C. (2017). Changes in soil characteristics and C dynamics after mangrove clearing (Vietnam), Science of The Total Environment, 593–594, 654-663.
Amor M., Busigny V., Louvat P., Gelabert A., Cartigny P., Durand-Dubief M., Ona-Nguema G., Alphandery E., Chebbi I., Guyot F. (2016). Mass-dependent and -independent signature of Fe isotopes in magnetotactic bacteria, Science 352(6286), 705-708, DOI: 10.1126/science.aad7632
Adra A., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Brest J. (2016) Arsenate and Arsenite Adsorption onto Al-containing ferrihydrites. Implications for Arsenic Immobilization After Neutralization of Acid Mine Drainage. Applied Geochemistry 64, 2-9. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.09.015.
Aufort J., Ségalen L., Gervais C., Brouder C., Balan E. (2016) Modeling the attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectrum of apatite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 43, 615-626.
Balan E., Pietrucci F., Gervais C., Blanchard M., Schott J., Gaillardet J. (2016) First-principles study of boron speciation in calcite and aragonite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 193, 119-131.
Bonnot C., Gélabert A., Louvat P., Morin G., Proux O., Benedetti M.F. (2016) Trace metals dynamics under contrasted land uses: contribution of statistical, isotopic and EXAFS approaches. Environmental Science and Pollution Research doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6901-0, pages 1-21.
Brigo L, Faustini M, Pistore A, Ferraris C, Schutzmann S, Brusatin G (2016): Porous inorganic thin films from bridged silsesquioxane sol–gel precursors. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 432 (B), 399-405.
Chevrinais M., Balan E., Cloutier R. (2016) Insights in the diagenesis and taphonomy of a 380-million-year-old paleoestuary (Miguasha, Eastern Canada) revealed by the preservation of acanthodian soft and hard tissues. Minerals 2016, 6(1), 1; doi:10.3390/min6010001
Della Patrona L, Marchand C, Hubas, C, Molnar N, Deborde J, and Meziane T. 2016 Meiofauna as an indicator for assessing the impact of shrimp farming effluents in a mangrove forest (New Caledonia). Marine Environmental Research .
Ducher M., Blanchard M., Vantelon D., Nemausat R., Cabaret D. (2016) Probing the local environment of substitutional Al3+ in goethite using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 43, 217-227.
Ducher M., Blanchard M., Balan E. (2016) Equilibrium zinc isotope fractionation in Zn-bearing minerals from first-principles calculations. Chemical Geology, 443, 87-96.
Fritsch E., Juillot F., Dublet G., Fonteneau L., Fandeur D., Martin E., Caner L., Auzende A.L., Grauby O., Robert J.L. and Beaufort D. (2016) An alternative model for the formation of hydrous Mg/Ni silicate ore (deweylite/garnierite) in Ni-laterite deposits from New Caledonia: I. Texture and mineralogy of a sequence of mineral assemblages in silicate infillings of reactivated serpentinized faults. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28, 295-311.
Guyodo Y., Bonville P., Till J.L., Ona-Nguema G., Lagroix F., Menguy N. (2016) Constraining the Origins of the Magnetism of Lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH): A Mössbauer and Magnetization Study. Front. Earth Sci., 4, 1-9,
Lainé M., Allard T., Balan E., Martin F., Von Bardeleben H.J., Robert J.-L., Le Caer S. (2016) Reaction mechanisms in talc under ionizing radiation: evidence of a high stability of H° atoms. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 2087-2095.
Leopold, A, Marchand, C, Renchon, A; Deborde, J., Quiniou, T, Allenbach, M. (2016) Net ecosystem CO2 exchange of “Le Coeur de Voh” mangrove: evidences of water stress controls on mangrove productivity under semi-arid climate (New Caledonia). Agricultural Forest Meteorology 223, 217-232.
Marchand, C., Fernandez, J.-M., Moreton, B., 2016. Trace metals geochemistry in mangrove sediments and their transfer to mangrove plants (New Caledonia). Science of Total Environment, 562, 216-227.
Miot J., Lu S., Morin G., Adra A., Benzerara K., Küsel K. (2016) Iron mineralogy across the oxycline of a lignite mine lake. Chemical Geology 434, 28-42.
Morin G., Mangeret A., Othmane G., Stetten L., Seder-Colomina M., Brest J., Ona-Nguema G., Bassot S., Courbet C., Guillevic J., Thouvenot A., Mathon O., Proux O., Bargar J.R. (2016) Mononuclear U(IV) complexes and ningyoite as major uranium species in lake sediments. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 2, 95-105.
Muehe E.M., Morin G., Scheer L., Le Pape P., Esteve I., Daus B., Kappler A. (2016) Arsenic(V) incorporation in vivianite during microbial reduction of arsenic(V)-bearing biogenic Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides. Environmental Science and Technology 50, 2281-2291.
Othmane G., Allard T., Vercouter T., Morin G., Fayek M., Calas G. (2016) Luminescence of uranium-bearing opals: Origin and use as a pH record. Chemical Geology 423, 1-6.
Resongles E., Le Pape P., Fernandez-Rojo L., Morin G., Delpoux S., Brest J., Guo S. and Casiot C. (2016) Routine determination of inorganic arsenic speciation in precipitates from acid mine drainage using orthophosphoric acid extraction followed by HPLC-ICP-MS. Analytical methods DOI: 10.1039/c6ay02084d
Riegler, T; Beaufort, MF; Allard, T; Pierson-Wickmann, AC; Beaufort, D (2016) Nanoscale relationships between uranium and carbonaceous material in alteration halos around unconformity-related uranium deposits of the Kiggavik camp, Paleoproterozoic Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews 79, 382-391.
Riegler, T; Allard, T; Beaufort, D; Cantin, JL; von Bardeleben, HJ (2016) The thermal stability of radiation-induced defects in illite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 43, 23-30.
Ruby C., Naille S., Ona-Nguema G., Morin G, Mallet M., Guerbois D., Barthélémy K., Etique M., Zegeye A., Zhang Y.; Boumaïza H., Al-Jaberi M., Renard A., Noël V., Binda P., Hanna K., Despas C., Abdelmoula M., Kukkadapu R., Sarrias J., Albignac M., Rocklin P., Nauleau F., Hyvrard N., Génin J.-M.R. (2016). Use of Ferrihydrite-Coated Pozzolana and Biogenic Green Rust to Purify Wastewater Containing Phosphate and Nitrate. Current Inorganic Chemistry, 6, 100-118.
Volant A., Héry M., Desoeuvre A., Casiot C., Morin G., Bertin P.N., Bruneel O. (2016) Spatial Distribution of Eukaryotic Communities Using High-Throughput Sequencing Along a Pollution Gradient in the Arsenic-Rich Creek Sediments of Carnoulès Mine, France. Microbial Ecology 72, 608-620.
Wang Y., Gélabert A., Michel F.M., Choi Y., Gescher J., Ona-Nguema G., Eng P.J., Bargar J.R., Farges F., Spormann A., Brown, G.E. Jr. (2016) Effect of biofilm coatings at metal-oxide/water interfaces I: Pb(II) and Zn(II) partitioning and speciation at Shewanella oneidensis/metal-oxide/water interfaces. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 188, 368–392.
Amor M., Busigny V., Durand-Dubief M., Tharaud M., Ona-Nguema G., Gelabert A., Alphandery E., Menguy N., Benedetti M.F., Chebbi I., Guyot F. (2015). Chemical signature of magnetotactic bacteria, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 112(6), 1699-1703.
Ardo S.G., Nelieu S., Ona-Nguema G., Delarue G, Brest J., Pironin E., Morin G. (2015) Oxidative Degradation of Nalidixic Acid by Nano-magnetite via Fe2+/O2-Mediated Reactions. Environmental Science and Technology 49, 4506-4514.
Aschenbroich, A., Marchand, C., Molnar, N., Deborde, J., Hubas, C., Rybarczyk, H, Meziane, T. 2015. Spatio-temporal variations of the composition of organic matter at surface sediments in a mangrove receiving shrimp farm effluents (Saint Vincent Bay, New Caledonia). Science of Total Environment 512-513, 296-307.
Bernard S., Benzerara K., Beyssac O., Balan E., Brown Jr. G.E. (2015) Evolution of the macromolecular structure of sporopollenin during thermal degradation as documented by infrared, Raman and C-XANES spectroscopies. Heliyon, 1, e00034
Blanchard M., Dauphas N., Hu M.Y., Roskoz M., Alp E.E., Golden D.C., Sio S.K., Tissot F.L.H., Zhao J., Gao L., Morris R.V., Fornace M., Floris A., Lazzeri M., Balan E. (2015) Reduced partition function ratios of iron and oxygen in goethite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 151, 19-33.
EBoulard E., Goncharov A., Blanchard M., Mao W. (2015) Pressure-induced phase transition in MnCO3 and its implications on the deep carbon cycle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120, 4069-4079.
Debenay J-P, Marchand C., Molnar N., Aschenbroich A., Meziane T. 2015. Foraminiferal assemblages as bioindicators to assess potential pollution of mangroves acting as a natural biofilter for shrimp farm effluents (New Caledonia). Marine Pollution Bulletin 93, 103-120.
Deborde, J., Marchand, C., Molnar, N., Della Patrona, L., Meziane, T., 2015. Concentrations and fractionation of C, N, P, Fe, and S in mangrove sediments along an intertidal gradient (New Caledonia). The Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 3, 52-7.
Dublet G., Juillot F., Morin G., Fritsch E., Fandeur D., Brown Jr G.E. (2015) Goethite aging explains Ni depletion in upper units of ultramafic lateritic ores from New Caledonia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 160, 1-15.
Ferraris C, Lorand JP (2015) : Novodneprite (AuPb3), anyuiite [Au(Pb, Sb)(2)] and gold micro- and nano-inclusions within plastically deformed mantle-derived olivine from the Lherz peridotite (Pyrenees, France): a HRTEM-AEM-EELS study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 42, 143-150.
Laporte S., Finocchi F., Paulatto L., Blanchard M., Balan E., Guyot F., Saitta A.M. (2015) Strong electric fields at a prototypical oxide/water interface probed by ab initio molecular dynamics: MgO(001). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(31):20382-90.
Leopold A.; Marchand C., Deborde J., Allenbach M. (2015) Temporal variability of CO2 fluxes at the sediment-air interface in mangroves (New Caledonia). Science of Total Environment, 502 617–626.
Marsac R., Davranche M., Morin G., Takahashi Y., Gruau G., Dia A. (2015) Effect of loading on the nature of the REE-humate complexes as determined by Yb3+ and Sm3+ LIII-edge EXAFS analysis. Chemical Geology 396, 218-227.
Mulholland D.S., Poitrasson F., Boaventura G.R., Allard T., Cruz vieira L., Santos R.V., Mancini L., Seyler P. (2015) Insights into iron sources and pathways in the Amazon river provided by isotopic and spectroscopic studies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 150, 142-159.
Noël V., Morin G., Juillot F., Marchand C., Brest J., Bargar J.R., Muñoz M., Marakovic G., Ardo S., Brown Jr. G.E. (2015) Ni cycling in mangrove sediments from New Caledonia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 169, 82–98.
Pinilla C., Blanchard M., Balan E., Vuilleumier R., Mauri F. (2015) Equilibrium magnesium isotope fractionation between Mg2+(aq) and carbonate minerals: insights from path integral molecular dynamics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 163, 126-139.
ESeder-Colomina M., Goubet A., Lacroix S., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Esposito G., van Hullebusch E. D., Pernelle J-J., (2015a) Moderate oxygen depletion as a factor favouring the filamentous growth of Sphaerotilus natans. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107, 1135-1144.
Seder-Colomina M., Morin G., Brest J., Ona-Nguema G., Gordien N., Pernelle J.J., Banerjee D., Mathon, O., Esposito G., Van Hullebusch E. (2015b) Uranium(VI) scavenging by amorphous iron phosphate encrusting Sphaerotilus natans filaments. Environmental Science and Technology 49, 14065–14075.
Till J.L., Guyodo Y., Lagroix F., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G. (2015) Goethite as a potential source of magnetic nanoparticles in sediments. Geology 43, 75-78.
Zeyen N., Benzerara K., Li J., Groleau A., Balan E., Robert J.-L., Esteve I., Tavera R., Moreira D., Lopez-Garcia P. (2015) Formation of low-T hydrated silicates in modern microbialites from Mexico and implications for microbial fossilization. Frontiers in Earth Science 3:64. doi: 10.3389/feart.2015.00064
Baikie T, Schreyer M, Wei F, Herrin JS, Ferraris C, Brink F, Topolska J, Piltz RO, Price J, White TJ (2014): The influence of stereochemically active lone-pair electrons on crystal symmetry and twist angles in lead apatite-2H type structures. Mineralogical Magazine, 78(2), 325-345.
Balan E., Bish DL, Calas G. (2014) Kaolin-group minerals: from hydrogen-bonded layers to environmental recorders. Elements, 10, 183-188.
Balan E., Blanchard M., Pinilla C., Lazzeri M. (2014) First-principles modeling of sulfate incorporation and 34S/32S isotopic fractionation in different calcium carbonates. Chemical Geology, 374–375, 84-91.
Balan E., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Ingrin J. (2014) Contribution of interstitial OH groups to the incorporation of water in forsterite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 41, 105-114.
Blanchard M., Balan E., Giura P., Béneut K., Yi H., Morin G., Pinilla C., Lazzeri M., Floris A. (2014) Infrared spectroscopic properties of goethite : anharmonic broadening, long-range electrostatic effects and Al substitution. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41, 289-302.
Cosmidis J., Benzerara K., Morin G., Busigny V., Lebeau O, Jezequel D., Noël V., Dublet G., Othmane G. (2014) Biomineralization of iron-phosphates in the water column of Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 126, 78-96.
Crépisson C., Blanchard M., Bureau H., Sanloup C., Withers A.C., Khodja H., Surblé K., Béneut K., Leroy C., Giura P., Balan E. (2014) Clumped fluoride-hydroxyl defects in forsterite: Implications for the upper mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 390, 287-295.
Crépisson C., Bureau H., Blanchard M., Ingrin J., Balan E. (2014) Theoretical infrared spectrum of partially protonated cationic vacancies in forsterite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 203-210. Journal IF = 1.46
Dublet G., Juillot F., Morin G., Fritsch E., Noël V., Brest J., Brown Jr. G.E. (2014) XAS Evidence for Ni Sequestration by Siderite in a Lateritic Ni-Deposit from New Caledonia. American Mineralogist 99, 225-234.
Ferraris C, Parodi GC, Pont S, Rondeau B, Lorand J-P (2014): Trinepheline and Fabriesite: two new mineral species from the jadeite deposit of Tawmaw (Myanmar). European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 257-265.
Ferrand J ., Rossano S ., Rollet Ph ., Allard Th., Cordier P., Catillon G., Auxiette G., Farges F., Pont S. (2014) On the origin of the green colour of archaeological bone artefacts of galloroman period. Archaeometry 56, 6, 1024–1040.
Genin J.-M.R., Mills S.J., Christy A.G., Guerin O., Herbillon A.J., Kuzman E., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Ruby C. and Upadhyay C. (2014) Mössbauerite, Fe3+6O4(OH)8CO3•3H2O, the first fully oxidized ‘green rust’ mineral from Mont Saint-Michel Bay, France. Mineralogical Magazine, 78(2), 447-465.
Guerbois G., Ona-Nguema G., Morin G., Abdelmoula M., Laverman A. M., Mouchel J.M, Barthelemy K., Brest J. (2014) Nitrite reduction by biogenic hydroxycarbonate green rust: Evidence for a nitrite green rust as intermediate reaction product. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 4505-4514.
Ingrin J., Kovacs I., Deloule E., Balan E., Blanchard M., Kohn S.C., Hermann J. (2014) Identification of hydrogen defects linked to boron substitution in forsterite and olivine. American Mineralogist (Letter), 99, 2138-2141.
Le Pape P., Quantin C., Morin G., Jouvin D., Kieffer I., Proux O., Ghanbaja J., Ayrault S. (2014) Zinc Speciation in the Suspended Particulate Matter of an Urban River (Orge, France): Influence of Seasonality and Urbanization Gradient. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 11901-11909.
Lee, S.Y., Primavera, J.H., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., McKee, K., Bosire, J.O., Cannicci, S., Diele, K., Fromard, F., Koedam, N., Marchand, C., Mendelssohn, I., Mukherjee, N., Record, S. 2014. Redefining the ecological role and services of tropical mangrove ecosystems. Journal of Global Ecology and Biogeography, Volume 23, Issue 7, pages 726–743.
Li J., Bernard S., Benzerara K., Beyssac O., Allard T., Cosmidis J., Moussou J. (2014) Impact of biomineralization on the preservation of microorganismss during fossilizatiton : an experimental perspective. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 400, 113-122.
Miot J., Li J., Benzerara K., Sougrati M. T., Ona-Nguema G., Bernard S., Jumas J.-C., Guyot F. (2014) Formation of single domain magnetite by green rust oxidation promoted by microbial anaerobic nitrate-dependent iron oxidation. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 139, 327–343.
Molnar, N., Marchand, C., Deborde, J., Della Patrona,L., Meziane, T., 2014 Seasonal pattern of the biogeochemical properties of mangrove sediments receiving shrimp farm effluents (New Caledonia). Journal of Aquaculture and Research Development 5-5.
Noël V., Marchand C., Juillot F., Ona-Nguema G., Viollier E., Marakovic G., Olivi L., Delbes L., Gelebart F., Morin G. (2014) EXAFS analysis of iron cycling in mangrove sediments downstream of a lateritized ultramafic watershed (Vavouto Bay, New Caledonia). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 136, 211-228.
Pinilla C., Blanchard M., Balan E., Ferlat G., Vuilleumier R., Mauri F. (2014) Equilibrium isotope fractionation of H and O isotopes from path integral molecular dynamics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 135, 203-216.
Seder-Colomina M., Morin G., Benzerara K., Ona-Nguema G., Pernelle J-J., Esposito G., van Hullebusch E. D. (2014) Sphaerotilus natans, a neutrophilic iron-related sheath-forming bacterium: perspectives for metal remediation strategies. Geomicrobiology Journal 31, 64-75.
Till J. L., Guyodo Y., Lagroix F., Ona-Nguema G., Brest J. (2014) Magnetic comparison of abiogenic and biogenic alteration products of lepidocrocite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395 149–158.
Wang Y.H., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Brown G.E. Jr. (2014) Arsenic(III) and Arsenic(V) Speciation during Transformation of Lepidocrocite to Magnetite. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 14282-14290.
Yi H., Balan E., Gervais C., Segalen L., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M. (2014) Theoretical study of the local charge compensation and spectroscopic properties of B-type carbonate defects in apatite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 41, 347-359.
Yi H., Balan E., Gervais C., Ségalen L., Roche D., Person A., Fayon F., Morin G., Babonneau F. (2014) Probing atomic scale transformation of fossil dental enamel using Fourier transform infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: A case study from the Tugen Hills (Rift Gregory, Kenya). Acta Biomaterialia 10, 3952 -3958.
Adra A., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Menguy N., Maillot F., Bruneel O., Casiot C., Lebrun S., Juillot F., Brest J. (2013) Arsenic scavenging by aluminum-substituted ferrihydrites in a circumneutral pH river impacted by acid mine drainage. Environmental Science and Technology 47, 12784-12792.
Balan E., Yi H., Blanchard M. (2013) First principles study of OH defects in zircon. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 7, 547-554.
Balan E., Blanchard M., Yi H., Ingrin J. (2013) Theoretical study of OH-defects in pure enstatite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 40, 41-50.
Baumgartner J., Morin G., Menguy N., Perez Gonzalez T., Widdrat M., Cosmidis J., Faivre D. (2013) Magnetotactic bacteria form magnetite from a phosphate-rich ferric hydroxide via nanometric ferric (oxyhydr)oxide intermediates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, 14883-14888.
Blanchard M., Roberge M., Balan E., Fiquet G., Bureau H. (2013) Infrared signatures of OH-defects in wadsleyite: a first-principles study. American Mineralogist, 98, 2132-2143.
Beltrando M, Di Vincenzo V, Ferraris C (2013): Preservation of sub-microscopic structural relics in micas: implications for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, 119, 359-380.
Davranche M., Dia A., Fakih M., Nowack B., Gruau G., Ona-Nguema G., Petitjean P., Martin S., and Hochreutener R. (2013) Organic matter control on the reactivity of Fe(III)-oxyhydroxides and associated As in wetland soils: A kinetic modeling study. Chem. Geol. 335(0), 24-35.
Ferraris C, Pont S, Parodi GC, Rondeau B, Lorand JP (2013) Fabriesite, IMA 2012-080. Mineral. Mag., 77, 1-12.
Ingrin J., Liu J., Depecker C. Kohn S.C., Balan E., Grant K.J. (2013) Low-temperature evolution of OH bands in synthetic forsterite, implication for the nature of H-defects at high pressure Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 6, 499-510.
Leopold, A.; Marchand, C., Deborde, J.; Chaduteau C., Allenbach, M., 2013. Influence of mangrove zonation on CO2 fluxes at sediment-air interface (New-Caledonia). Geoderma 202-203, 62-70, IF: 2.068.
Maillot F., Morin G., Juillot F., Bruneel O., Casiot C., Ona-Nguema G., Wang Y., Lebrun S., Aubry E., Vlaic G., Brown Jr. G.E. (2013) Structure and reactivity of As(III)- and As(V)-rich schwertmannites and amorphous ferric arsenate sulfate from the Carnoulès acid mine drainage, France: Comparison with biotic and abiotic model compounds and implications for As remediation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 104, 310-329.
Molnar, N, Welsh, D.T., Marchand, C., Deborde, J., Meziane, T. 2013. Impacts of shrimp farm effluents on water quality, benthic metabolism and N-dynamics in a mangrove forest (New Caledonia). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences 117, 12-21.
Othmane G., Allard T., Menguy N., Morin G., Esteve I., Fayek M., Calas G. (2013) Letter: Evidence for nanocrystals of vorlanite, a rare uranate mineral, in the Nopal I low-temperature uranium deposit (Sierra Peña Blanca, Mexico) American Mineralogist 98, 518-521.
Othmane G., Allard T., Morin G., Sélo M., Llorens I., Chen H., Bargar J., Fayek M. and Calas G. (2013) Uranium association with iron-bearing phases in mill tailings from Gunnar, Canada. Environmental Science and Technology 47, 12695-12702.
Yi H., Balan E., Gervais C., Segalen L., Fayon F., Roche D., Person A., Morin G., Guillaumet M., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Babonneau F. (2013) Letter : A carbonate-fluoride defect model for carbonate-rich fluorapatite. American Mineralogist 98, 1066-1069.
Marchand C., Fernandez J.-M., Moreton B., Landi L., Lallier-Vergès E., Baltzer F. (2012) The partitioning of transitional metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Cr) in mangrove sediments downstream of a ferralitised ultramafic watershed (New Caledonia). Chemical Geology 300-301, 70-80.
Allard T., Balan E., Calas G., Fourdrin C., Morichon E., Sorieul S. (2012) Radiation-induced defects in clay minerals : a review. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, 277, 112-120.
Arfi Y., Buée M., Marchand C., Levasseur A., Record E. (2012a) Multiple markers pyrosequencing reveals highly diverse and host-specific fungal communities on the mangrove trees Avicennia marina and Rhizophora stylosa. FEMS Microbiol Ecology 79, 433-444.
Arfi Y., Marchand, C., Wartel, M., Record, E. (2012b). Fungal diversity in anoxic-sulfidic sediments in a mangrove soil. Fungal Ecology 5, 282-285.
Auzende A.L., Gillot J., Coquet A., Hennet L., Ona-Nguema G., Bonnin D., Esteve I, Roskosz M, Fiquet G (2012) Synthesis of amorphous MgO-rich peridotitic starting material for laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments - application to iron partitioning in the mantle. High Pressure Research 31, 199-213.
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Blanchard M., Morin G., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Dabo I. (2012a) First-principles simulation of arsenate adsorption on the (1-12) surface of hematite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 86, 182-185.
Blanchard M., Poitrasson F., Méheut M., Lazzeri M., Mauri F., Balan E. (2012b) Comment on "New data on equilibrium iron isotope fractionation among sulfides: Contraints on mechanism of sulfide formation in hydrothermal and igneous systems" by Polyakov V.B. and Soultaniv D.M. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 87, 356-359.
Delattre S., Balan E., Lazzeri M., Blanchard M., Guillaumet M., Beyssac O., Haussühl E., Winkler B., Salje E.K.H., Calas G. (2012) Experimental and theoretical study of the vibrational properties of diaspore (α-AlOOH) Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39, 93-102.
Dublet G., Juillot F., Morin G., Fritsch E., Fandeur D., Ona-Nguema G., Brown Jr. G.E. (2012) Ni speciation in a New Caledonian lateritic regolith: A quantitative X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 95, 119-133.
Elmaleh A., Galy A., Allard T., Dairon R., Day J.A., Michel F., Marriner N., Morhange C., Couffignal F. (2012) Anthropogenic accumulation of metals and metalloids in carbonate-rich sediments: Insights from the ancient harbor setting of Tyre (Lebanon). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 82, 23-38.
Génin, J.-M. R., Guérin, O., Herbillon, A. J. Kuzmann, E., Mills, S. J., Morin, G., Ona-Nguema, G., Ruby, C., Upadhyay, C. (2012) Redox topotactic reactions in FeII-III oxyhydroxycarbonate new minerals related to fougèrite in gleysols: “trébeurdenite and mössbauerite”, Hyperfine Interactions, 204, 71-81.
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Guyodo Y., Sainctavit P., Arrio M.A., Carvallo C., Penn R.L., Erbs J.J., Forsberg B.S., Morin G., Maillot F., Lagroix F., Bonville P., Wilhelm F., Rogalev A. (2012) X-ray magnetic circular dichroïsm provides strong evidence for tetrahedral iron in ferrihydrite. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 13, Q06Z44.
Javoy M., Balan E., Méheut M., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M. (2012) First-principles investigation of equilibrium isotopic fractionation of O- and Si-isotopes between refractory solids and gases in the solar nebula. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 319,118-127.
Laveuf C., Cornu S., Guilherme L.R., Guerin A. and Juillot F. (2012) The impact of redox conditions on the rare earth element signatures of redoximorphic features in a soil sequence developed from limestone. Geoderma, 170, 25-38.
Pantke, C., Obst M., Benzerara K., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Dippon U., Kappler A. (2012) Green rust formation during Fe(II) oxidation by the nitrate-reducing Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1. Environmental Science Technology 46, 1439-1446.
Parodi GC, Pont S, Ferraris C, Rondeau B, Lorand JP (2012): Trinepheline, IMA 2012-024. Mineral. Mag., 76, 1281-1288.
Priadi C., Le Pape P., Morin G., Ayrault S., Maillot F., Juillot F., Hochreutener R., Llorens I., Testemale D., Proux O., and Brown G.E., Jr. (2012) X-ray absorption fine structure evidence for amorphous zinc sulfide as a major zinc species in suspended matter from the Seine river downstream of Paris, Ile-de-France, France. Environmental Science Technology 46, 3712–3720.
Volant, A ; Desoeuvre, A ; Casiot, C ; Lauga, B ; Delpoux, S ; Morin, G ; Personne, JC ; Hery, M ; Elbaz-Poulichet, F ; Bertin, PN ; Bruneel, O. (2012) Archaeal diversity: temporal variation in the arsenic-rich creek sediments of Carnoules Mine, France. Extremophiles 16(4), 645-657.
Welch M.D., Montgomery W., Balan E., Lerch P. (2012) Insights into the high-pressure behavior of kaolinite from infrared spectroscopy and quantum-mechanical calculations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39, 143-151. Journal IF = 1.59.
Allard, T; Weber, T; Bellot, C; Damblans, C; Bardy, M; Bueno, G; Nascimento, NR; Fritsch, E; Benedetti, MF (2011) Tracing source and evolution of suspended particles in the Rio Negro Basin (Brazil) using chemical species of iron. Chemical Geology 280, 79-88.
Auzende A.L., Gillot J., Coquet A., Hennet L., Ona-Nguema G., Bonnin D., Esteve I., Roskosz M., Fiquet G., (2011). Synthesis of amorphous MgO-rich peridotitic starting material for laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments - application to iron partitioning in the mantle. High Presssure Research 31, 199-213.
Balan E, Fritsch E, Allard T., Morin G, Guillaumet M, Delattre S, Blanchard M, Calas G. (2011) Spectroscopic investigation and theoretical modeling of kaolinite-group minerals and other low-temperature phases. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 343 (2-3): 177-187.
Balan E., Delattre S., Roche D., Segalen L., Morin G, Guillaumet M., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Brouder C., Salje E.K.H. (2011b) Line-broadening effects in the powder infrared spectrum of apatite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 38(2), 111-122.
Balan E., Ingrin J., Delattre S., Kovacs I., Blanchard M. (2011c) Theoretical infrared spectrum of OH-defects in forsterite. European Journal of Mineralogy 23, 285-292.
Bardy M., Derenne S., Allard, T; Benedetti, MF; Fritsch, E (2011) Podzolisation and exportation of organic matter in black waters of the Rio Negro (upper Amazon basin, Brazil) Biogeochemistry, 106, 71-88.
Benzerara K, Miot J, Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Skouri-Panet F, Ferard C. (2011a) Significance, mechanisms and environmental implications of microbial biomineralization. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 343 (2-3): 160-167.
Benzerara K., Miot J., Morin G. (2011b) How some bacteria can oxidize iron in the absence of dioxygen: implications for environmental science and the search of ancient traces of life. Actualité Chimique 356-57, 102-104.
Bordage, A; Balan, E; de Villiers, JPR; Cromarty, R; Juhin, A; Carvallo, C; Calas, G; Raju, PVS; Glatzel, P. (2011) Vanadium oxidation state in Fe-Ti oxides by high-energy resolution fluorescence-detected X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 38(6), 449-458.
Bruneel O., Volant A., Gallien S., Chaumande B., Casiot C., Carapito C., Bardil A., Morin G., Brown G.E., Jr., Personne C.J., Le Paslier D., Schaeffer C., Van Dorsselaer Alain., Bertin P., Elbaz-Poulichet F., Arsene-Ploetze F. (2011) Characterization of the active bacterial community involved in natural attenuation processes in arsenic-rich creek sediments. Microbial Ecology 61(4), 793-810.
Caner L., Petit S., Joussein E., Fritsch E., Herbillon A.J. (2011) Accumulation of organo-metallic complexes in laterites and the formation of Aluandic Andosols in the Nilgiri Hills (southern India): similarities and differences with Umbric Podzols. European Journal of Soil Science 62, 754-764.
Charlet L., Morin G., Rose J., Wang Y.H., Auffan M., Burnol A., Fernandez-Martinez A. (2011) Reactivity at (nano)particle-water interfaces, redox processes, and arsenic transport in the environment. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 343 (2-3): 123-139.
Delattre S., Balan E., Lazzeri M., Blanchard M., Guillaumet M., Beyssac O., Haussühl E., Winkler B., Salje E.K.H., Calas G. (2011) Experimental and theoretical study of the vibrational properties of diaspore (a-AlOOH). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39 (2), 93-102.
Fritsch, E; Balan, E; Do Nascimento, NR; Allard, T; Bardy, M; Bueno, G; Derenne, S; Melfi, AJ; Calas, G (2011) Deciphering the weathering processes using environmental mineralogy and geochemistry: Towards an integrated model of laterite and podzol genesis in the Upper Amazon Basin. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 343(2-3), 188-198.
Hohmann C., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Guigner J.M., Brown Jr. G.E., Kappler A. (2011) Molecular-level modes of As binding to Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides precipitated by the anaerobic nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75(17), 4699-4712.
Juillot F., Maréchal C., Morin G., Jouvin D., Cacaly S., Telouk P., Benedetti M., Ildefonse P., Sutton S., Guyot F., Brown Jr. G.E. (2011) Contrasting isotopic signatures between anthropogenic and geogenic Zn and evidence for post-depositional fractionation processes in smelter-impacted soils from Northern France. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75(9), 2295-2308.
Maillot F., Morin G., Wang Y., Bonnin D., Ildefonse P., Chaneac C., Calas G. (2011). New insight into the structure of nanocrystalline ferrihydrite : EXAFS evidence for tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3+. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75(10), 2708-2720.
Marchand C., Allenbach M. and Lallier-Verges E. (2011) Relationships between heavy metals distribution and organic matter cycling in mangrove sediments (Conception Bay, New caledonie) Geoderma 160, 444-466.
Marchand C., Lallier-Verges E., Allenbach M. (2011b) Redox conditions and heavy metals distribution in mangrove forests receiving effluents from shrimp farms (Teremba Bay, New Caledonia). Journal of Soils and Sediments 11, 529-541.
Perez M.A.P.; Moreira-Turcq, P; Gallard, H; Allard, T; Benedetti, MF (2011) Dissolved organic matter dynamic in the Amazon basin: Sorption by mineral surfaces. Chemical Geology, 286, 158-168.
Wang Y., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot F., Calas G., and Brown Jr G. E. (2011) Distinctive Arsenic(V) trapping modes by magnetite nanoparticles induced by different sorption processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 7258-7266.
Balan E., Delattre S., Guillaumet M., Salje E.K.H. (2010) Low-temperature infrared spectroscopic study of OH stretching modes in kaolinite and dickite. American Mineralogist, 95, 1257-1266. Journal IF = 2.026.
Blanchard M., Morin G., Lazzeri M., Balan E. (2010) First-principles study of the structural and isotopic properties of Al- and OH-bearing hematite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(14), 3948-3962.
Bordage, A; Brouder, C; Balan E; Cabaret, D; Juhin, A; Arrio, MA; Sainctavit, P; Calas, G; Glatzel, P (2010) Electronic structure and local environment of substitutional V3+ in grossular garnet Ca3Al2(SiO4)3: K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy and first-principles modeling. American Mineralogist 95, 1161-1171.
Cotte M; M. Auffan; W. Degruyter; I. Fairchild; M. A. Newton; G. Morin; G. Sarret; A. C. Scheinost (2010) Environmental Sciences at the ESRF. Synchrotron Radiation News 23(5), 28-35.
Egal M., Casiot C., Morin G., Elbaz-Poulichet F., Cordier M.A., Bruneel O. (2010) An updated insight into the natural attenuation of As concengtrations in Reigous creek (southern France). Applied Geochemistry 25(12), 1949-1957.
Fourdrin C., Allard T., Monnet I., Menguy N., Benedetti M., Calas G. (2010) Effect of radiation-induced amorphization on smectite dissolution. Environmental Science and Technology. 44, 2509-2514.
Hohmann C., Winkler E., Morin G., Kappler A. (2010) Anaerobic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria show As resistance and immobilize As during Fe(III) mineral precipitation. Environmental Science and Technology 44, 94-101.
Huguet A., Fosse C., Metzger P., Fritsch E., Derenne S. (2010). Occurrence and distribution of extractable glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in podzols. Organic Geochemistry, 41 (3), 291-301.
Huguet A., Fosse C., Metzger P., Fritsch E., Derenne S. (2010). Occurrence and distribution of non-extractable glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in temperate and tropical podzol profiles. Organic Geochemistry, 41 (8), 833-844.
Juhin, A.; Morin, G.; Elkaim, E.; Frost, DJ.; Fialin, M.; Juillot, F. and Calas, G. (2010) Structure refinement of a synthetic knorringite, Mg3(Cr0.8Mg0.1Si0.1)2(SiO4)3. American Mineralogist, 95, 59-63.
Méheut M., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Mauri F. (2010) First-principles calculation of H/D isotopic fractionation between hydrous minerals and water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 3874-3882.
Morichon E., Allard T., Beaufort D., Quirt D. (2010a) An EPR study of native radiation-induced paramagnetic defects in sudoite (di–trioctahedral Al–Mg chlorite) from the alteration halo related to unconformity-type uranium deposits. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 37, 3, 145-152.
Morichon E., Beaufort D., Allard T., Quirt D. (2010b) Tracing past migrations of uranium in Paleo-Proteozoic basins : new insights from radiation-induced defects in clay minerals. Geology 38, 983-986.
Ona-Nguema G., Morin G., Wang Y., Foster A., Juillot F., Calas G., Brown Jr. G.E. (2010) XANES evidence for rapid Arsenic(III) Oxidation at Magnetite, and Ferrihydrite Surfaces by dissolved O2, via Fe2+-Mediated Reactions. Environmental Science and Technology 44 (14), 5416–5422.
Roche D., Segalen L., Balan E., Delattre S. (2010) Preservation assessment of Miocene-Pliocene tooth enamel from Tugen Hills (Kenyan Rift Valley) through FTIR, chemical and stable-isotope analyses. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, 1690-1699.
Ruby C, Abdelmoula M, Naille S, Renard A, Khare V, Ona-Nguema G, Morin G, Genin JMR. (2010) Oxidation modes and thermodynamics of FeII-III oxyhydroxycarbonate green rust: Dissolution-precipitation versus in situ deprotonation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(3), 953-966.
Salje, EKH; Koppensteiner, J; Schranz, W; Fritsch, E (2009) Elastic instabilities in dry, mesoporous minerals and their relevance to geological applications. Mineralogical Magazine 74, 341-350.
Wang Y., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot J., Guyot F., Calas G., Brown Jr. G.E. (2010) Evidence for Different Surface Speciation of Arsenite and Arsenate on Green Rust: an EXAFS and XANES study. Environmental Science and Technology 44, 109-115.
Allard T., Calas G. (2009) Radiation effects on clay mineral properties. Applied Clay Science. 43, 143-149.
Balan E., Cartigny P., Blanchard M, Cabaret D., Lazzeri M., Mauri F. (2009) Theoretical investigation of the anomalous equilibrium fractionation of multiple sulfur isotopes during adsorption. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 284, 88-93.
Bardy M., Derenne S., Fritsch E. (2009). Evolution of lipid abundance and molecular composition during the podzolisation of laterites in the upper Amazon basin. Biogeochemistry 92 (1-2), 95-118.
Bejina, F; Blanchard, M; Wright, K; Price, GD (2009) A computer simulation study of the effect of pressure on Mg diffusion in forsterite. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 172, 13-19.
Blanchard M., Balan E., Wright K. (2009a) Incorporation of water in iron-free ringwoodite: a first-principles study. American Mineralogist, 94, 83-89.
Blanchard M., Poitrasson F., Méheut M., Lazzeri M., Mauri F. Balan E. (2009b) Iron isotope fractionation between pyrite (FeS2), hematite (Fe2O3) and siderite (FeCO3): A first-principles density functional theory study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 6565-6578.
Egal M., Casiot C., Morin G., Parmentier M., Bruneel O., Lebrun S., Elbaz-Poulichet F. (2009) Kinetic control on the formation of tooeleite, schwertmannite and jarosite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strains in an As(III)-rich acid mine water. Chemical Geology 265, 432-441.
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Fandeur D, Juillot F, Morin G., Olivi L, Cognigni A., Ambrosi JP, Guyot F., Fritsch E. (2009a) Synchrotron-based speciation of chromium in an Oxisol from New Caledonia: Importance of secondary Fe-oxyhydroxides. American Mineralogist 94, 710-719.
Fandeur D., Juillot F., Morin G., Olivi L, Cognigni A., Webb S.M., Ambrosi J-P., Fritsch E., Guyot F, Brown Jr. G.E. (2009b) XANES evidence for oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) by Mn-oxides in a lateritic regolith developed on serpentinized ultramafic rocks of New Caledonia. Environmental Science and Technology 43, 7384–7390.
Fourdrin C, Balan E., Allard T., Boukari C., Calas G. (2009) Induced modifications of kaolinite under ionizing radiation: an infrared spectroscopic study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 36, 291-299.
Fritsch E., Allard Th., Benedetti M.F., Bardy M., Do Nascimento N.R., Li Y. & Calas G. (2009) Organic complexation and translocation of ferric iron in podzols of the Negro River watershed. Separation of secondary Fe species from Al species. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 7, 1813-1825.
Jacquat O., Voegelin A., Juillot F. and Kretzschmar R. (2009) Changes in Zn speciation during soil formation from Zn-rich limestones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 5554-5571.
Jouvin D., Louvat P., Juillot F., Marechal C. and Benedetti M. (2009) Zinc isotopic fractionation: Why organic matters. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 5747-5754.
Lahlil S., Bouquillon A., Morin G., Galoisy L., Lorre C. (2009) Relationship between the coloration and the firing technology used to produce Susa glazed ceramics of the end of the neolithic period. Archaeometry 51, 774-790.
Laveuf C., Cornu S., Baize D., Hardy M., Josiere O., Drouin S. and Juillot F. (2009) Zinc redistribution in a soil developed from Limestone during pedogenesis. Pedosphere, 19, 292-304. Journal IF = 0.978.
Méheut M., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Mauri F. (2009) Structural control over equilibrium silicon and oxygen isotopic fractionation: A first-principles density-functional theory study; Chemical Geology, 258, 28-37.
Miot J, Benzerara K, Obst M, Kappler A, Hegler F, Schädler S, Bouchez C, Guyot F, Morin G. (2009) Extracellular iron biomineralization by photoautotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria. Applied Environmental Microbiology 75(17), 5586-5591.
Miot J., Benzerara K., Morin G., Bernard S., Beyssac O, Larquet E., Kappler A., Guyot F. (2009) Transformation of vivianite by anaerobic nitrate-reducing iron-oxidizing bacteria. Geobiology 7, 373-384.
Miot, J.; Benzerara K., Morin G., Kappler A., Bernard S., Obst M., Férard C., Skouri-Panet F., Guigner J-M., Posth N., Galvez M., Brown Jr. G.E., Guyot F. (2009) Iron biomineralization by anaerobic neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 696-711.
Miot, J.; Morin, G.; Skouri-Panet, F.; Férard, C.; Poitevin A.; Aubry, E.; Ona-Nguema G..; Juillot F. ; Guyot, F.; Brown, G. E. (2009) Speciation of Arsenic in Euglena gracilis Cells Exposed to As(V). Environmental Science and Technology 43, 3315-3321.
Morin G., Wang Y., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot F., Calas G., Menguy M., Aubry E., Bargar J.R., Brown Jr. G.E. (2009) EXAFS and HRTEM Evidence for As(III)-Containing Surface Precipitates on Nanocrystalline Magnetite: Implications for As Sequestration. Langmuir 25, 9119-9128.
Ona-Nguema G., Morin G., Wang Y., Menguy N., Juillot F., Olivi L., Aquilanti G., Abdelmoula M., Ruby C., Bargar J.R., Guyot F., Calas G., Brown JR. G.E. (2009) Arsenite sequestration at the surface of nano-Fe(OH)2, ferrous-carbonate hydroxide, and green-rust after bioreduction of arsenic-sorbed lepidocrocite by Shewanella putrefaciens. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 1359-1381.
Tematio P., Fritsch E., Hodson M. E., Lucas Y., Bitom D., Bilong P. (2009). Mineral and geochemical characterization of a leptic aluandic soil and a thapto aluandic-ferralsol developed on trachytes in Mount Bambouto (Cameroon volcanic line). Geoderma, 152 (3-4), 314-323.
Balan E, Blanchard M, Hochepied JF, et al. (2008a) Surface modes in the infrared spectrum of hydrous minerals: the OH stretching modes of bayerite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 35, 279-285. Journal IF = 1.876.
Balan E, Refson K, Blanchard M, et al. (2008b) Theoretical infrared absorption coefficient of OH groups in minerals. American Mineralogist 93(5-6), 950-953.
Bardy M, Fritsch E, Derenne S, Allard T, Do Nascimento NR, Bueno GT (2008) Micromorphology and spectroscopic characteristics of organic matter in waterlogged podzols of the upper Amazon basin. Geoderma 145, 222-230.
Benzerara K., G. Morin, T.H. Yoon, J. Miot, T. Tyliszczak, C. Casiot, O. Bruneel, F. Farges, G.E. Brown Jr. (2008) Nanoscale study of As biomineralization in an acid mine drainage system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 3949-3963.
Blanchard M, Lazzeri M, Mauri F, et al. (2008) First-principles calculation of the infrared spectrum of hematite. American Mineralogist 93, 1019-1027.
Bouillon, S; Borges, AV; Castaneda-Moya, E; Diele, K; Dittmar, T; Duke, NC; Kristensen, E; Lee, SY; Marchand, C; Middelburg, JJ; Rivera-Monroy, VH; Smith, TJ; Twilley, RR (2008) Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22, GB2013, pp12.
Brown Jr. G.E., Wang, Y., Gelabert A., Ha, J., Cismasu C., Ona-Nguema G., Benzerara K., Miot J., Menguy N., Morin G., Juillot F., Guyot F., Calas G., Farges F., Trainor T., Gescher J., Cordova C., Spormann A.M. (2008) Synchrotron X-ray studies of heavy metal mineral-microbe interactions. Mineralogical Magazine 72, 169-173.
Calas G, Agrinier P, Allard T, Ildefonse P (2008) Alteration geochemistry of the Nopal I uranium deposit (Sierra Pena Blanca, Mexico), a natural analogue for a radioactive waste repository in volcanic tuffs. Terra Nova 3, 206-212.
Cancès B., Juillot F., Morin G., Laperche V., Polya D.,Vaughan D.J., Hazemann J.L., Proux O., Brown Jr. G. E. and Calas G. (2008) Change in arsenic speciation through a contaminated soil profile: a XAS based study. Science of the Total Environment 397, 178-189.
Carvallo C, Sainctavit P, Arrio MA, Menguy N, Wang Y, Ona-Nguema G, Brice-Profeta S (2008) Biogenic vs. abiogenic magnetite nanoparticles: A XMCD study. American mineralogist 93(5-6), 880-885.
Do Nascimento NR, Fritsch E, Bueno GT, et al. (2008) Podzolization as a deferralitization process: dynamics and chemistry of ground and surface waters in an Acrisol-Podzol sequence of the upper Amazon Basin. European Journal of Soil Science 59, 911-924.
Juhin, A; Brouder, C; Arrio, MA; Cabaret, D; Sainctavit, P; Balan, E; Bordage, A; Seitsonen, AP; Calas, G; Eeckhout, SG; Glatzel, P (2008) X-ray linear dichroism in cubic compounds: The case of Cr3+ in MgAl2O4. Physical Review B 78, 195103.
Juillot F., C. Maréchal, M. Ponthieu, S. Cacaly, G. Morin, M. Benedetti, J.L. Hazemann, O. Proux, F. Guyot. (2008) Zn isotopic fractionation caused by sorption on goethite and 2-Lines ferrihydrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 4886-4900.
Kristensen E., Bouillon, S., Dittmar, T., Marchand, C. 2008. Organic carbon dynamics in mangrove ecosystem, a review. Aquatic Botany 89, 201-219.
Lahlil S, Biron I, Galoisy L, Morin G (2008) Rediscovering ancient glass technologies through the examination of opacifier crystals. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 92, 109-116.
Lallier-Verges, E; Marchand, C; Disnar, JR; Lottier, N (2008) Origin and diagenesis of lignin and carbohydrates in mangrove sediments of Guadeloupe (French West Indies): Evidence for a two-step evolution of organic deposits. Chemical Geology 255, 388-398.
Laveuf C, Cornu S, Juillot F (2008) Rare earth elements as tracers of pedogenetic processes. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 340, 523-532.
Marchand, C., Lallier-Vergès, E., Disnar, J.-R., Kéravis, D., (2008). Organic carbon sources and transformations in mangrove sediments: a Rock-Eval pyrolysis approach. Organic Geochemistry 39, 408-421.
Miot, J.; Morin, G.; Skouri-Panet, F.; Férard, C.; Aubry, E.; Briand, J.; Wang, Y.; Ona-Nguema, G.; Guyot, F.; Brown, G. E. (2008) XAS Study of Arsenic Coordination in Euglena gracilis Exposed to Arsenite. Environmental Science and Technology 42(14); 5342-5347.
Morichon E, Allard T, Beaufort D, Patrier P. (2008) Evidence of native radiation-induced paramagnetic defects in natural illites from unconformity-type uranium deposits. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 35(6) , 339-346.
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Zoom Science - Diffusion Résonante Inélastique des rayons X, une technique puissante pour sonder les matériaux
La diffusion inélastique résonante des rayons X (RIXS) est une technique puissante combinant spectroscopie et diffusion inélastique pour étudier la structure électronique des matériaux. Elle repose sur l’interaction des rayons X avec la matière, où les spectres RIXS peuvent être approximés comme une...
A. Marco Saitta
Directeur de l'institut
Ouafa Faouzi
Secrétaire générale
Jérôme Normand
Gestion du personnel
Réservation des salles
Antonella Intili
Accueil et logistique
Réservation des salles
Idanie Alain, Sanaz Haghgou, Hazem Gharib, Angélique Zadi
Gestion financière
Cécile Duflot
Contact unique pour l'expertise de matériaux et minéraux
Stages d'observation pour élèves de 3e et de Seconde
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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie - UMR 7590
Sorbonne Université - 4, place Jussieu - BC 115 - 75252 Paris Cedex 5
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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie - UMR 7590 - Sorbonne Université - 4, place Jussieu - Tour 23 - Barre 22-23, 4e étage - 75252 Paris Cedex 5
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Accès : 7 quai Saint Bernard - 75005 Paris, Tour 22.
Contact : Antonella Intili : Barre 22-23, 4e étage, pièce 420, 33 +1 44 27 25 61
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