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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie
UMR 7590 - Sorbonne Université/CNRS/MNHN/IRD

School - FMASOEL : French-Mexican Advanced School on the Origins and Evolution of Life - 1-6 juillet 2019 - Paris

Thanks to a long history of scientific collaboration, France and Mexico have a rich scientific community in the field of the origins of life.

The Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN, France), Sorbonne Univerité (SU) and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, Mexico) have set a collaboration in order to organize, every two years, a French-Mexican Advanced School on the Origins and Evolution of Life (FMASOEL).

This school could periodically bring together in alternation (one year at MNHN Paris, France, one year at UNAM-Mexico) an audience of students and scholars who develop or wish to develop their studies on this subject. The first year, in 2019, the FMASOEL will take place at the MNHN (Paris), during 6 days, the first week of July. Lectures will be given in English. Laboratory internships will be organized for students in each of the two countries. The same initiative will take place at UNAM in 2021.

The FMASOEL would not only provide a forum for the presentation of ongoing research in the field of origins and life evolution, but will also allow the training of Masters, PhD and post-doctoral students, playing a key role in strengthening and developing links between the two countries, opening new opportunities for young researchers and students. Given the key role that France plays in the scientific activities of the European Union, this thematic school should be open to EU teachers. On the Mexican side, it could also include Mexican-American and Spanish-speaking American and European scientists, thus providing an academic framework for scientific interactions between an increasingly important community.

Scientific Committee:

- Marie-Christine Maurel : Professor of Origins of Life, MNHN / Sorbonne University ( (marie-christine.maurel @

- A. Marco Saitta : Professor of Physics, Sorbonne University / MNHN ( (marco.saitta @

- Antonio Lazcano : Professor of Origins of Life and Evolutionary Biology, UNAM and member of the Colegio Nacional de Mexico (alar @

- Arturo Becerra : Professor of Evolutionary Biology, UNAM


More information

Cécile Duflot - 07/06/19

Traductions :

    Egalement dans la rubrique


    International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials (NCM11)
    June 28th trough july 2nd, 2010, in Paris (France)
    Pour en savoir plus, for more information, site de l'évènement

    » Lire la suite


    A. Marco Saitta

    Directeur de l'institut



    Ouafa Faouzi

    Secrétaire générale



    Jérôme Normand

    Gestion du personnel

    Réservation des salles



    Antonella Intili

    Accueil et logistique

    Réservation des salles



    Idanie Alain, Sanaz Haghgou, Hazem Gharib, Angélique Zadi

    Gestion financière



    Cécile Duflot





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    Adresse postale

    Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie - UMR 7590

    Sorbonne Université - 4, place Jussieu - BC 115 - 75252 Paris Cedex 5


    Adresse physique

    Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie - UMR 7590 - Sorbonne Université - 4, place Jussieu - Tour 23 - Barre 22-23, 4e étage - 75252 Paris Cedex 5


    Adresse de livraison

    Accès : 7 quai Saint Bernard - 75005 Paris, Tour 22.

    Contact : Antonella Intili : Barre 22-23, 4e étage, pièce 420, 33 +1 44 27 25 61



    Fax : 33 +1 44 27 51 52