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Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie
UMR 7590 - Sorbonne Université/CNRS/MNHN/IRD

Exploring the transformation of matter through molecular dynamics simulations - F. Pietrucci - 31 mars 2015

Fabio Pietrucci - IMPMC


Mardi 31 mars 2015 à 10 h


IMPMC, Université P. et M. Curie, 4, Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

Salle de conférence, 4e étage, Tour 22-23, Salle 1







Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are a sort of in-silico microscope disclosing the finest details in the structure and dynamics of matter at atomic resolution. The last years have seen an explosion of smart sampling algorithms that bypass the main limitation of MD, namely the short accessible time scale, and, in addition, allow reconstructing the thermodynamics (free energy lanscapes) and the kinetics of structural transformation processes. In this respect I recently introduced innovative approaches combining together metadynamics, a successful sampling algorithm, with representations of interatomic bond networks borrowed from graph theory (in the spirit of Google's webpage ranking algorithm). I will discuss the benefits of these techniques as applied to two on-going collaborative research efforts at IMPMC: the study of prebiotic formamide-centered chemical reaction networks, and of structural transitions in water ices and other materials. In the former case, for the first time we could reconstruct detailed free energy landscapes of multi-step reactions passing in a seamless way from gas phase to liquid phase. In the latter case, we are developing a new topology-based strategy able to address on the same footing transitions among crystalline as well as amorphous and liquid phases.


Cécile Duflot - 16/02/16

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    Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie - UMR 7590

    Sorbonne Université - 4, place Jussieu - BC 115 - 75252 Paris Cedex 5


    Adresse physique

    Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie - UMR 7590 - Sorbonne Université - 4, place Jussieu - Tour 23 - Barre 22-23, 4e étage - 75252 Paris Cedex 5


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    Accès : 7 quai Saint Bernard - 75005 Paris, Tour 22.

    Contact : Antonella Intili : Barre 22-23, 4e étage, pièce 420, 33 +1 44 27 25 61



    Fax : 33 +1 44 27 51 52