Fusion mechanisms and enveloped viruses - Yves Gaudin - 13 mars 2015

Yves Gaudin - Laboratoire Virologie Moléculaire et Structurale, Gif-sur-Yvette
Vendredi 13 mars à 10 h 30
IMPMC, Université P. et M. Curie, 4, Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
Salle de conférence, 4e étage, Tour 22-23, Salle 1
Enveloped viruses enter cells through a membrane fusion reaction driven by conformational changes of viral fusion glycoproteins. During the structural transition, they exposed hydrophobic motifs (the so-called fusion loops or fusion peptides) which interact with the target membrane. Three different classes of viral fusion proteins have been
identified to date based on their common structural motifs. Crystal structures have provided atomic, static pictures of pre- and post-fusion conformations for several of these
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G is the prototype of the third class (of which members are also found in herpesviruses and baculoviruses) and forms different trimers in both its pre- and its post-fusion conformation, of which the structures have been determined by X-ray crystallography. However, as for other fusion glycoproteins, the
transition pathway between the pre- and post-fusion states still remains elusive.
We have recently determined two crystalline structures of the glycoprotein of Chandipura virus (CHAV), another vesiculovirus responsible for deadly encephalopathies. One of the crystalline structures corresponds to an unexpected intermediate conformation during the structural transition. This work reveals the chronological order of the structural changes in G and offers a detailed pathway of the transition for the spikes located outside the contact zone with the target membrane. It also reveals that after dissociation of the pre-fusion trimer into monomers, vesiculovirus G could re-associate into a fusion loopsexposing non-trimeric assembly which is optimally organized to initiate the fusion process.
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